Nyehehehe... Capsule Corp... What have you inside of you... /Suddenly Annoying Dog appears/
... NYARK I understand why Papyrus run XD
Always so good! You make me want to draw your character now.
A saiyan with monsters... Hopefully, they will never know what the full moon does on her.
Thank you for this! (I will thanked you at all pages. I think it's normal to thank someone who work for others... even if that make themselves happy too.)
Nyehehehe... Capsule Corp... What have you inside of you... /Suddenly Annoying Dog appears/ ... NYA
ahh x3 im so glad you like yenri! like... i was so scared people would hate me for doin a character insert, but i rarely ever get negative comments and people are always praising it x3 it's so cool aaahhh!
ahh x3 im so glad you like yenri! like... i was so scared people would hate me for doin a character