Electabuzz is one of those interesting Pokemon that I like, while at the same time I think very little of. One of the biggest reasons for this, I think, is that all three of it's forms have factors I like and dislike of their designs. While I tend to favor Elekid for his fur patterns, mouth shape and especially his plug like horns, he's a little boring otherwise. Electabuzz I feel has the most complete design in terms of anatomy but his fur designs a little too haphazard and his antenna are silly. Then there's Electivire, which looks like a steaming like of shit! The ONLY things I give it, is that I like how the fur on it's head somewhat resembled a hard hat, it's tails looking like wires and the socket design on it's back... otherwise it is one of the fugliest designs I've ever seen.
So, taking these elements I liked and removing what I disliked, I came up with this... suffice to say I enjoy it. (who woulda' thunk that I'd like a bunch of things I enjoy compiled into one!) I also took massive liberties on the shiny coloration as Electabuzz has one of the lamest shiny colorations ever. What is it about Electric types that tend to get the shaft when it comes to shiny colors? "Eh, just make it slightly more orange, that's good right?" I don't know, in my opinion I feel they should just go HAM on shinies. It's a chance to color that thing however you want, just go crazy! ...but that's me. In any case, as Electabuzz is based off of the Oni (At least I think it is) my choice was red or blue as those are the common Oni colors. While shiny Electabuzz is more redish, I decided on blue as it fit the theme of electricity better.
7 years, 11 months ago
17 Mar 2017 01:24 CET
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