Next up in Pokemon My Way is Politoed. Now Politoed's a bit of a different case, as I actually like it. It's cute and likable if not just a bit admittedly dull, but it's certainly not bad. So why does it need to be changed? Well, my issue comes from the fact that as cute as Politoed is, it bares no connection to it's previous forms whatsoever. I understand in some cases this can be used for humorous sake like Gyarados or Octillery (that's the only way I can explain that one) and of course the change from tadpole to frog is a bit drastic, but frankly if they didn't tell me flat out that Politoed was a new evolution for Poliwhril, I'd have just thought it a general, non connected frog Pokemon.
So with that in mind I set out to create something that took the iconic Poliwhirl design and actually make it look more frog-like and really it wasn't that hard, just little things like incorporating the white gloves and the swirl make for a stronger connection. Also, if it takes a King's Rock to evolve it, why not play up a more royal disposition for them? They did it for Slowking, why not Politoed? But again this is all my opinion, I don't want to hate on Politoed too much as I don't dislike it, it just fails at looking like it's previous forms in a flattering way. Also, I know that Politoed is normally green with a blue shiny and Poliwrath is blue with a green shiny but I wanted to make it an even more overt parallel to Poliwrath's colorations... I dunno, it was a good idea to me.
7 years, 11 months ago
09 Mar 2017 08:12 CET
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