"I Own Nothing"
IT'S STORY TIME! When I first saw SatAM there was one character in particular that stood out to me in the first episode I saw, and that was Cat. This one off character that shared a VA with Uncle Chuck just planted a seed in my mind that would always let me remember him. So when one day after work I was on one of my tornado's of insanity an idea began to form, why not give Cat a backstory and a new role? I toyed with this idea for a few weeks till one day, after watching Bar Rescue I remembered randomly The Series of Unfortunate Events Movie, and Billy Conolly's portrayal of Uncle Monty, the Auto Harp Scene where he sang Bonny George Campbell to be exact, and thus the new Cat was plotted. This is the end result of that crazy train of thought, and I am quite happy with it.
If you be wanting to know his story look here: Cat was a young minstrel in the upper west corner of Soleanna (Think Scotland), that grew up during the build up to The Great War. When it eventually broke out, the young Cat volunteered his services to the Royal Army and after 2 months of training was deployed. After getting separated from his unit in the Desert of Mirage he was found by a small group of mainland soldiers, consisting of Commander Tig Stripes, Harvey Who, Charles and Shawn Hedgehog, William Hornbill, and a young scout named Kirby. Having no way of contacting his unit Cat joined up with the wandering group and ended up taking part in some very decisive battles, such as the Conflict of Sommer Hill, and the final battle between the Overland Forces and the United Mobian Front. After the war Cat was returned to his commanding officer and decorated as a hero of the war. He kept in contact with the others, and returned home to work on his music, which had provided the backing to many nights around the campfire with his war buddies. When the Hedgehog triplets were born he was named Godfather of Sonia, and upon Shawn and his wifes untimely death given the key to her portion of the inheritance which he keeps safe inside his old Autoharp.
7 years, 12 months ago
14 Mar 2017 19:41 CET
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