Ladies and gentlemen, here's the little simple TaleSpin and Overwatch crossover comic, done in the black - and - white manga - like style. It depicts the short story of my OC, Ora "The Rebel" Kitsune, and her reaction to the news about the Junkrat's buff in the PTR server in the aformentioned game, Mad Dog's reaction to her high - pitched scream of joy and Junkrat's cat - like confusion and fascination of vixen's smartphone - antique for him, but modern for the furry pilots.
The comic was done in the traditional way by using the pencils and the black 0.4 Stabilo fineliner (gosh, I need to buy the new one...) on the Creadu sketchbook. :)
Mad Dog and TaleSpin belong to Disney. Junkrat and Overwatch belong to Blizzard Entertainment. The art, idea and Ora "The Rebel" Kitsune belong to :iconorakitsune:.