These are the 6 races of Khastur. Each has different talents and a different attitude to life.
Dugesians AKA Dugs: ( A generally content flatworm race with incredible self-healing powers, the ability to conceal items, superhuman senses, escapist skills, throwing weapons, climbing abilities and strong religious beliefs.
Maowls AKA Muls: ( A wildcat and wolf hybrid with a passion for luxuries, strong teamwork ethic, extreme dystopian class differences, selfish and prejudice nature and firm business hierarchy who pride themselves on what they own rather than who they are.
Hirudineans AKA Dins: ( A vampiric leech race with powerful bonds of friendship with other races that they depend on for their survival and will die for. However they are prone to being controlling of their friends and jealous of their friends being with others and despite being beneficial to the well-being of those around them are feared unjustly due to a few bad eggs spoiling the bunch for the rest of them.
Fettoids AKA Fets: ( A hot-headed hyperactive loud fearless do-or-die proud race of self-important fighters that may be no bigger than your shoe but has the might and agility to take down foes none of the other races can handle. They revel in combat and drink heavily but form strong bonds of friendship and have strong sense of comradery among their kind.
Yoins AKA Yons: ( A wise undead elf race constantly torn between bright and dark magic who have strong magical powers and a firm belief in the power of religion, harmony and balance.
Aloeans AKA Alos: ( A cactus race of skilled negotiators, politicians, traders, entertainers and Lotharios that breed quickly and are hunted by bandits for their valuable blood. Despite being bad at combat have made a name for themselves as legendary warriors. Urbanites tend to be a nuisance and Outlanders are great survivalists.