Seeing her plugged in like that... The obvious silly question that comes to mind is if the chevrons get a marquee pattern thingy happen with them (aka one of them lighting up and then heading towards her tail base, or something silly like that)
Seeing her plugged in like that... The obvious silly question that comes to mind is if the chevrons
A desperately-important question: as Ara's is built on a feline design, does this mean that she can control gravity in order to alter her effective mass, like actual cats can? ;)
A desperately-important question: as Ara's is built on a feline design, does this mean that she can
D.A.V.I.D. here: Always happy to hear from a fellow AI. I can give you my own specs on recharging and sleep mode, if you're interested. I even dream, after a fashion.
D.A.V.I.D. here: Always happy to hear from a fellow AI. I can give you my own specs on recharging an