Patreon pinup from October, my main male OC, Nytro!
It was really nice to get a chance at drawing Nytro's compact city apartment and put him in his IC setting for once. The city was a ton of work, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Had some good pose sketches for this piece but had to pick just one; a playful sprawl as he rolls up onto his bed. This is the, uh, more-or-less-SFW version, if you consider a front and center bulge to still be SFW. Probably not. Enjoy!
Whooo! He's a total cutie-face! I've always adored your hybrid OC... its liberating and refreshing to see him posing it up solo-style. Gotta love these Nytro moments! <3 You've done a mesmerizing job with that cityscape BG. 8) So pretty and luminescent and futuristic! Reminds me of a scene from "The Fifth Element" or something. >:D
Great work, fellow artist! ;)
Whooo! He's a total cutie-face! I've always adored your hybrid OC... its liberating and refreshing t