Manele really loves babies. It's good that she taught herself to actually know things about how to take good care of them because she's quite the slow person. Either way, she finally knows the truth. It's time to fix this mess. Well, almost time. After this page, this comic is going to be on a bit of a hiatus while I dish out some commissions. Once those are all up, I'll complete this with the last four pages to put the final cap on Tails the Babysitter. I hope you all enjoy because you're all about to see some things I've probably never drawn here before.
so...Manele is an idiot then. How did someone this lacking in...everything ever manage to end up working with kids? I wonder how many she has accidentally killed or given to the wrong parents
so...Manele is an idiot then. How did someone this lacking in...everything ever manage to end up wor