And so do I >.>; Only nice thing is I sleep best in the cold. Other than that? HATE cold. >.< Cold hands and feet are my biggest enemies and that's all I get in the Winter!
Shame I was born in this season OnO
Oh and this was one of the doodles I did during that fairly short stream. ;w; I sowwie it was so short....
Yeeeeeeah. I sorta gave up on the growing thing cuz it's too hard to manage in pictures and keep canon XD I need to work out another reason for growth with him.
Yeeeeeeah. I sorta gave up on the growing thing cuz it's too hard to manage in pictures and keep ca
I was actually wondering that too o.o but makes sense to change his reason for growth for pictures like this XD What were other ideas you had for his reason to grow? ouo
I was actually wondering that too o.o but makes sense to change his reason for growth for pictures l
Ahh XDD well still would be cool to see Amu and accidental growth shenans again. But still the possible ideas, what if it was by poking him on the nose or something? Or pinching his butt Hahaha >FD
Ahh XDD well still would be cool to see Amu and accidental growth shenans again. But still the possi
Yeah, i hate cold too >.< We don't have snow over here, so i can't imagine the pain Amu must be going through. XD Regardless it's a really cute pic. Glad to see you posting :D
Yeah, i hate cold too >.< We don't have snow over here, so i can't imagine the pain Amu must be goin
Glad to BE posting. XD I haven't meant to be absolutely silent this long....
But yes....snow....we have much of it....TOO much. >.>; It is NOT as nice as people make it sound. Though....snow and clouds actually keeps it warmer than when there's no clouds or snow....cuz then it's just COLD. :C And don't get me started on the windchill at the foot of a mountain.....
Glad to BE posting. XD I haven't meant to be absolutely silent this long.... But yes....snow....we
I'm with you Amu. We had single digits plus ice last week... the freezing house, slipping all over, aching bones, poor hubby coughing up a lung... pah! I just want too weeks of photogenic Xmas snow, then it can all melt by MLK Day. Stay warm if u can!
I'm with you Amu. We had single digits plus ice last week... the freezing house, slipping all over,
Gah, I'd kill for a white Christmas! Unless it snows really heavy a few days before, we're always cursed with green grass and cold (or strangely warm) temps. Bahh... Last year we had lots of snow... This season probably won't rear its ugly head until mid-January. We've gotten a little snow, a little freezing rain, and temps from single digits up to the 60s and back
Hope he starts feeling better soon! Being sick is never fun. :<
Gah, I'd kill for a white Christmas! Unless it snows really heavy a few days before, we're always cu
Agreed, Xmas snow is awesome. It's that whole brown, cold, muddy, windy stretch to April Fool's day I could skip. Thanks for the kind words, hubby @Redwolf gets bronchitis in winter but liberal applications of fox kisses and Overwatch seem to help. ;)
Agreed, Xmas snow is awesome. It's that whole brown, cold, muddy, windy stretch to April Fool's day
ooooh I know how that bronchitis feels. @.@ I'm usually prone to flu and bronchitis around this time of year. Heck, since my birthday is LITERALLY 4 days after Christmas, I was bed ridden for my 21st b-day cuz of winter DX Being sick, SUCKS.
(PS- I have a small stomach bug CURRENTLY, so I am far from going back on my statement XDDD)
ooooh I know how that bronchitis feels. @.@ I'm usually prone to flu and bronchitis around this time
Move to Utah. We can have snow as early as mid-October and it can last as late as the end of May. This is "freak weather" mind you, but has happened many times. They literally give out hot cocoa on halloween here, and we've had blizzards instead of April Showers.
If you want snow, come here, we have plenty of it XD And then the weather turns around in the summer and blasts us with over 100 degrees....
Move to Utah. We can have snow as early as mid-October and it can last as late as the end of May. T