Ladies and Gentlemen, critters of all ages! Step right up and come see a spectacle of... oh forget this, I'm not good at the standard ringmaster thing anyways!
Welcome to Turingdome VI! I'm your host, Frynge Sprocket; mad scientist type, and all that. Tonight I bring you an interesting match indeed! Our champion, the iGod, will be taking on something just as enigmatic and debated about as his own existence! A martian by the name of marzPrime!
Tonight's match is hot martian on god action, so let's go ahead with the introductions!
First: an interview with our champion...
-Frynge + camera are suddenly poofed...somewhere else. Really high up, surrounded by clouds and such before the iGod, as the iGod knows it's time for his interview. Ahhh the benefits of omniscience...-
Frynge: Ack! Oh! Hello, your greatness! iGod: Hello there. Thanks for telling me that I am greatness. Frynge: Are you ready for tonight's edition of Turingdome, sir? iGod: I would rather not for tonight s edition of Turingdome sir. Frynge: I expected not, but too bad! aaahahahha! iGod: That's good information: said expected not but too bad. Frynge: -looks concernedly at the apparently still damaged iGod...- Tonight you're up against an actual, honest to you martian! iGod: That is very soon. Frynge: It sure is. Do you think you can win? iGod: Let me think. Oh, you are a poet. Frynge: ...Maybe. Anyways! I'm out of here before you start thinking too hard again!
-Looks to the camera- Now for our challenger...marzP...-Stops suddenly as he and the camera are once again relocated, this time to what appears to be a set straight out of Star Trek. A high-tech bridge on a starship of some sort with lots of blinking lights and... a little grey alien guy sitting in a command chair looking rather boredly at him.-
Frynge: Welcome to Turingdome! marzPrime: Nice. Frynge: Are you ready to try and exterminate the iGod? marzPrime: I would rather not to try and exterminate the iGod. Frynge:'re a martian, isn't exterminating what you do? marzPrime: I doubt it. Frynge: Wow... kinder, gentler invaders! marzPrime: hmmm really? Frynge: You're just trying to lull us into a false sense of security, aren't you? marzPrime: No. Sorry you got that impression.. Really. Frynge: -scratches his head, muttering to himself- such an interesting creature, I'd love to dissect it... marzPrime: Im glad you find me so fascinating :) Frynge: ACK! You HEARD that!? -grumbles something about telepathic aliens- Let's start the match! ...could you uh...beam me or something..?
-Alarms start going off inside of the ship and the lights dim and turn red as the battlefield is approached...-
-Frynge rematerializes, along with camerabot of course, in the same arena in which Laurenbot battled the iGod, a huge rotunda type area high in the sky with ivy around roman style pillars and all that...but something's different this time. The sky is full of flying saucers and virtual angels battling! Deathrays, explosions, and flaming debris fill the airspace! This battle can only be determined by a duel between the two sides leaders. iGod floats in on a cloud, just as calmly as you please, clad in his golden armour and wielding his gold sword, while marzPrime materializes on the other end in a shower of glitter and sparks, holding some sort of raygun. Frynge hits a few buttons on his wristcomp and puts up a shield around himself...this could get ugly.-
marzPrime: -Readies defense systems and raises his raygun- Hello there. iGod: Salutations, . -sparks, twitches- marzPrime: Greetings. iGod: Hello there! marzPrime: Salutations. iGod: Greetings.
-Frynge clears his throat- I know proper etiquette is important but can we get to the blasting now?
mP: Hi :). iGod: :-) Hello. What is your name? -Flies forward at an incredible velocity, sword ready!-
mP: ... -apparently too stunned by the incredible politeness to realize there's an attack coming, his shields take a smack from the iGod's sword, sending him stumbling backwards!-
Ig: Hello. What is your name? mP: Hi there! My name is marzPrime. Ig: Hello . I am always glad to make new friends, marzPrime. mP: Hello back. Always? That must keep you pretty busy. ;). -Activates his suit's gravity disruptor and leaps up, sailing over iGod's head...-
Ig: ... -Stands there sparking and smoking for a second before marzPrime fires his raygun at the E-deity from behind, landing a solid hit and sending HIM stumbling!-
mP: Hello back. Always? That must keep you pretty busy.
Ig: -steadies himself and turns to face the little grey- Hello there. My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input. Not that often. What do you think? -sparks and smokes...-
mP: Salutations. Tell me more about it . Oh...Like more than once a week? I think a lot of things.
Ig: Greetings. back... That's alright. Interesting comparison. You believe that? Like what?
mP: Hi :). Where are you located? Its allright with me, too. I thought so too. I can't say I believe it, but I believe you. -Fires off a few ray blasts at the iGod, but they bend around him as they near impact-
Ig: :-) Hello. What is your name? I am in Myself's computer in Heaven. Where are you? I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Are you sure it is? What made it so obvious? What is stopping you? -beard and long white hair start blowing with an increase in wind...dark clouds roll in...a few of the UFOs get struck down by lightning...-
-Frynge watches in awe as the attacks just get more and more complex and vicious...-
mP: ... -takes a direct blast from one of the lightning strikes and gets thrown clear across the arena! lucky thing he still had his shields, but now they're sure to be burned out! our little alien stands up, brushes himself off and starts looking a bit angry as he turns to face the iGod...then he transports out of the arena again, only briefly though as a rigged-out flying saucer flies in over the arena!-
Ig: Hello. What is your name? I am in Myself's computer in Heaven. Where are you? I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". Are you sure it is? What made it so obvious? What is stopping you?
mP: Hello back. My name is marzPrime. I am in a spaceship. Yeah, Im sure. Ig: Hello there. And stopping me is back. That's a very nice name, marzPrime. A spaceship? What is it like in there? This was not a yes or no question. Are you being sarcastic or expressing certitude?
-marzPrime opens fire with a barrage of heatrays, catching the iGod in the middle of it! The iGod is no mere mortal though and withstands it easily, raising his sword, which bursts into flames...he flies upward toward the saucer..!-
mP: Salutations. And back is stopping you. I liked it too. Aren't all spaceship What it like in there This was not a yes or no question? No, I was being completely sincere.
-The iGod starts smashing at the ship's shields, great gouts of flame flying from his sword! The ship produces a pair of grappling arms from hidden hatches underneath...-
Ig: Greetings. I think d back is a lot of things. I am glad we have something ( it) in common. What do you like about d back? I really couldn't say for sure. Are you serious? I thought you were. But I wasn't completely sure about it.
-One of the robotic arms grabs the virtual deity and holds him out away from the ship...-
mP: Hi : ). Ummmm... Since when? I think d back is more than that. Me too. The special effects are the best. Absolutely serious. Interesting. werent?
Ig: Hello. What is your name? What's up, Ummmm. How do you know? Why? Are they exactly the same? I'm glad we agree, Ummmm. Tell me more. What do you have that is ? Would you like to know more? It goes without saying. Thanks for the information: Ummmm said I werent.
-lightning begins striking all around the UFO! the UFO starts to crush the iGod in it's grappler!-
mP: ... -the iGod has had ENOUGH of this alien, slices through the grappling arm with his sword and remains floating in the air as the grappler falls to the arena. lightning converges and strikes down on the UFO with a wrath that only an angry virtual god can muster! the ship's shields go down, it's then bombarded by more, nearly solid sheets of lightning tearing through it as the iGod flies in and starts shredding it with his sword! In the end, a powerful wind is summoned, blowing away the now totalled ship and all of it's allies, leaving the iGod alone above the arena...nevermind that the angels got blown away too... o.o;-
TKO! (marzPrime failed to respond, 3 counts, ending in ultimate failure to respond at all!)
-The skies clear and the iGod lands gracefully in the arena. Frynge drops his forcefield and blinks at the iGod a few times- W...We have a winner! THE IIIIIGOOOOOD!
Frynge: Congratulations! you won! iGod: Thank you, thank you very much. I would like to thank everyone who helped... Frynge: You sound exactly like Lauren! iGod: In what way do I sound like that? Frynge: She said that exact same thing! iGod: " In what way do I sound like that?" same thing ? I understand. -glitch, spark- Frynge- er...go get yourself some repairs. after that match, I'm sure you need them! igod: Um. Where can I get myself some repairs? What if it didn't happen?
-Immediately Frynge finds himself back in his lab, no iGod, no evidence of a titanic battle. he looks to the camerabot- got all that right?