Character Sheet for Rose Ventus
Character Description
Rose is the ruler of a chain of islands that form a circle around a much larger island called Wild Flora. The location got it's name for the giant population of seedrians and plant growth that inhabit the large island in the middle of the circle.
Rose initially has a fairly open mind with matters within her kingdom, but she can act calm in times of hardship. Some of the citizens noted that she has a bit of a sadistc side dealing with traitors.
Likes: her people/subjects, exploring the islands, and visitors/tourists
Dislikes: hot days, traitors, and robots
Without her dress, Rose is mostly normal except her stature is a bit taller than most seedrians. Her age shows that the buds in her hair has already bloomed and slowly begins to mature, her hair is drawn into a ponytail to show them off even more.
The only clothing Rose can wear is her long dress which is white with red accents along with a cyan cloth that shows of the kingdom's insignia (not made yet).
She wears a pair of gold bracelets over the sleeves of her dress to keep them tight.