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Anime-Toon Institute- Part 2: The Reveal
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Anime-Toon Institute - Part 3: One Punch!

A Typical Morning at the Seville Household

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"I'm having serious second thoughts about joining this school now." A white haired boy walked in through the front door alongside his best friend and fellow hunting partner, Gon Freeces.

"Why is that Killua?" Gon asked, turning towards his partner and feeling a bit miffed by how often his interests shifted from one thing to another. It was sometimes, even borderline, annoying how much Killua got disinterested in things. In fact, he probably should have already guessed what the reason was.

"Dude, did you not see those videos on their site?" Killua spoke up, suddenly speaking as though he felt insulted by Gon's lack of thorough investigation. "Two of their top veteran fighters, Luffy and Naruto, got their asses kicked by some kid. Twice! And it didn't even stop there. One of them wet themselves and they had their underwear shown off. Do you have any idea how humiliating that is?"

"Having your underwear shown off?" Gon asked.

"ALL OF IT!" Killua fired back, a tad flustered.

"I... guess. I don't really know." Gon looked rather indifferent. He had seen the video but he didn't get the inkling that they lost because they were weak. "I'm guessing you're taking this to mean that they're no longer worth you're time?"

"I'd have enjoyed fighting them. An interesting challenge is all I came here for but after seeing that shit? Forget about it." Killua sighed. "Oh well. It might be fun to tease the losers in this place before I go."

"You don't think that maybe you're making a bit of a wild assumption there?" Gon had to speak up here. This school was pretty famous. That video getting as popular as it did happened almost over night due to how much exposure this place had. It wasn't very smart to underestimate the people who attended this institute. "I think it makes more sense to assume that kid is probably just super strong. You know, like a freshman who came to show off. Kind of like you?"

"Pfft. Yeah right." Killua said as they approached their designated lockers. He looked around for a bit and a smile creeped onto his face. "Oh hey. Speak of the devil."

Gon blinked and turned to look over in the direction Killua was facing.

"People keep on teasing us! We need to DO something about this!" Naruto snapped at Luffy as the two of them walked down the hallway.

Luffy was snacking on a huge drumstick, feeling really down mostly due to how cold his meat had gotten on the trip towards the school. He was barely paying Naruto much attention.

"Well, first thing's first. We gotta see if I can search for some shorts with bigger pockets so I can hold more meat in them." Luffy began which earned a swat over the head by the blonde haired ninja. "OW! What the-?!"

"Don't you care at all about what's happening to us?!" Naruto snapped. "Konohamaru's in a better position then I am now for goodness sake!"

"Of course I care. All we gotta do to get that position back is beat up T.K. So quit worrying. I'm not losing to him again!" Luffy stared straight ahead as they walked.

Killua chuckled as he followed behind them. Gon walked next to him, unsure of what he was doing.

"Still so confident after two Earth shattering loses like that huh?" Killua grinned and flicked a spark of electricity at Naruto's direction. The ninja was about ready to scold Luffy again for his nonchalant attitude but suddenly felt his body lock up and spark with a huge electric jolt! Naruto clenched his teeth and his hair frizzled out as he suddenly began spasming in the middle of the hallway. Luffy stopped to look at him, noticing the small sparks of electricity on him before Naruto's body hit the floor completely charred and smoking.

"I...I don't... understaaaaa...." Naruto trailed off before passing out. Luffy reached down and dragged him off by his feet, seeing people whip out their phones for quick pictures and a cheap video or two.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Killua held his gut as he watched this unfold. "Everyone's waiting around the corner with a new way to humiliate someone here. Might be fun after all."

Gon was about to speak up about Killua's behavior when he suddenly heard a voice from behind them say something in advance.

"Better not get TOO cocky. That has a tendency to backfire." T.K spoke up as he stood behind them with his hands in his pockets. Killua's laughter died down and he turned to face the kid, relatively interested but mostly feeling a bit bothered at the premise of being fed a word of warning when he had already deemed this school a disappointment.

"This place is a prankster's paradise, not a fighting school. You guys can claim that challenging the teachers to a fight or having a wrestling ring underneath the floor of the GYM makes you hot stuff but your strongest guys don't just get taken out by some toddler with you getting to keep that same prestige. Everyone's acting like it's just a device to lower them to a Freshman status but it's really just a framing device to keep the school away from being called out on it's bullshit." Killua stared at the kid before smiling. "And I take it you must be the little guy who got this ball rolling."

"Yup. Mr. Toddler, at your service." T.K grinned. "But you can call me T.K. It's best that you do, in fact, or else."

"Oh I'm so scared." Killua got closer to T.K's face.

"Uhm, Killua." Gon interjected. "Class is about to start. We have different rooms to get to and you're right in front of yours so maybe we should just-"

"Yeah, yeah, I got it." Killua rolled his eyes and pushed open the door. He looked back at T.K and grinned. "I'll see you later kid. Word of warning though, take your own advice and try not to get too cocky. This place isn't a reflection of strength. I'll prove that when I come out with the teacher slung over my shoulder. Haha. Might even take just one punch to resolve the issue."

With that, Killua shut the door and walked to his desk. He saw plenty of people around him, sitting as they watched the bald headed man strut around in front of the class as though he didn't care too much about their presence. What a weird looking guy.

"Ah man. I got chalk on my belt. I haven't even touched the board yet." The man in the yellow jump suit groaned as he dusted the stuff off. He was holding a coupon that said something about a 20% discount at the local pharmacy. The time was around 4:00 for this special and the class was starting at around 3:30. "Ugh. Well... it's not like I've got too much time left here... maybe I'll just show a movie today... The Karate Kid sounds nice... should it be the original or the remake though? People like the original but then again it is refreshing seeing Jaden Smith get his ass beat in the beginning of that remake... oh wait. That's right. I didn't bring any movies... come to think of it I don't own either Karate Kid... oh well."

Killua sweat dropped. "Who is this goober?"

Ray Ray, a kid sitting right next to him, looked over at the new guy and tried to provide an answer. "Oh. That's the B-Rank Hero S-"

"B-rank hero?! Are you kidding me?" Killua burst out laughing.


"Hey. If you don't mind me asking," Gon walked up behind T.K as he started to walk away. "How did you learn to kick butt as well as you do? I saw the video and I was astonished. You looked so cool. It looked effortless the way you beat those two. What's the secret?"

T.K stopped and turned to smile at Gon. While T.K was officially a bully now, he did still have a soft spot for people who reminded him of who he used to be. Gon seemed like a nice kid despite his friend's arrogance.

"... Well... at my old school we used to have one class that no one attended. Well, I shouldn't say that no one did. Only about a handful of people did." T.K said as he smiled to himself, beaming with pride. "I was bullied and made fun of so often back then for wanting to be a fighter who didn't have to rely on Digimon to be strong that I ended up taking a class with so few people in it that it was often cancelled from day to day. The reason was mostly because the teacher barely showed up. Most of the time, he'd just talk to us for about 5 or 10 minutes and then tell us to keep training."

"Keep training? That's it?" Gon blinked in surprise. "What a horrible teacher..."

"You'd think so right? Normally you'd be right but on the first day of class, he gave us all the tools we needed to train without instruction. It was a book he wrote." T.K said, reaching into his backpack and taking out what looked more like a pamphlet then a book.

"That's... a book...?" Gon was confused. He grabbed it and looked it over. "It's not even 10 pages long. What is this?"

T.K grinned. "The secret to our teacher's training regime. It's all written down there."


"So you're supposed to be a big shot teacher huh? How about you show me a couple of moves eh? How about it?" Killua began teasing and egging the teacher on for a reaction. Ray Ray shot Killua a very concerned look. He feared that Killua just might be overstepping his bounds rather quickly.

The teacher didn't say anything, instead trying to recount what he was going to buy when he left for the supermarket at four. The problem was that Killua's taunts were making him lose track of himself and he had to keep starting over when it came to outlining the list in his head. By the time he got the idea to actually write the list on the board, Killua's interruptions got worse.

"Hey Caped Baldy! I'm talking to you!" Killua grinned as he cupped his hands around his mouth to make his voice travel faster. "Are you just gonna ignore me? I thought the rules of the school said you could challenge teachers to a fight whenever you wanted to right? Let's head over to the GYM then. You and me?" Killua was having a fun time being a pest. The kids in the classroom were even taking out their phones, ready to snap photos and take a video of the proceedings. That was good. Killua really wanted to show these guys what he could do.


"... This... This is just a normal regular training regime." Gon was sweating with his jaw hanging open in shock as he read through the "book" he had gotten from T.K. "Jogging everyday. Three square meals a day. No air conditioning during the summer. 100 sit ups a day. 100 push ups a day... I don't... what?!" Gon was rifled with confusion.

T.K laughed. "I know. That's what I thought too but it worked." T.K crossed his arms and smiled. "Your friend is a bit of an idiot. I don't think he knows as much as he thinks he does. Of course, it's a pretty easy thing to ignore when it comes to my former teacher. The guy showed up so rarely and cared so little about his tiny class with like four or five people in it that the school fired him. I heard he got a job here which is part of the reason I came to this place."

"Was he... really that good?" Gon asked.

"A lot of the time when he showed up to class he didn't have any kind of lesson prepared... on days where he felt like doing a little more then talking for a few minutes about nothing, which was rare, he would take us on trips to show us how he fought monsters." T.K chuckled. "The fights never lasted long either."


The teacher was trying his hardest to write the list on the board again but Killua's taunts kept obstructing his thoughts. Eventually, the chalk snapped.

"Hey kid." The teacher turned to leer at Killua. "If you keep yapping like that... you're gonna get punched."

The kids in the classroom all looked on with excitement. Killua was a bit taken a back by that but his smirk got wider as a result.

"Oooo~! I'm gonna get punched? Fantastic! That'd mean I'd get to have a fight."

The teacher turned back to the board but had to stop again when Killua began to fire lightning at his head!

"Well then let's go! You basically already threatened your student. Might as well take it all the way. Come on teach! Show me how strong you are! HAHA!"



"His name is Saitama." T.K grinned up at Gon. "But everyone in my old class would call him, the One Punch Man!"

Gon looked on in shock. That sounded... really cool!


Killua was punched.

He was punched swiftly and without any real effort at all.

The punch immediately made Killua dizzy and swirly eyed, knocking him clean out of his clothes and sending him slamming against the wall in just his Dora the Explorer underwear. As he slumped against the wall, the kids who had taken out their phones, immediately began snapping photos and taking their videos.

"Wet's go Dora~! Da Cuckoo twain is here!" Killua spoke like a toddler as his tongue flopped out the side of his mouth. His eyes rolled and he saw stars floating around his head. He was drifting off to a blissful state of unconsciousness where the cuckoo train would carry him to la-la land for a good fun time. Hopefully, he'd enjoy his stay because he wasn't going to be enjoying reality for much longer.

However, Killua was right about one thing. The conflict did indeed end after one punch.

"I wonder if I can use those clothes of his to clean off this board. I kind of don't feel like going to the bathroom to get paper towels. This chalkboard never has an eraser I can use..." Saitama sighed as he stared at the obstructing grocery list.

(And there's part 3. I think I'm going to upload pages of this series in 3 parts each whenever I come back to it. I might be taking yet another detour right now. I've just got so many things I want to do. Either way, this was Killua's humbling experience. His first day and already he's on the low end of the totem pole. This'll be a lesson to him an anyone else who doubts the prowess of the Anime-Toon Institute. Be sure to not get too cocky folks. Until next time.)

blush 64,506, blushing 48,902, males 43,221, underwear 42,555, cartoon 23,521, teasing 18,247, anime 16,900, undies 16,310, embarrassed 14,919, humiliation 12,773, briefs 11,654, school 8,794, underpants 5,266, stripping 5,053, embarrassment 4,557, humans 4,142, public humiliation 1,987, embarrassing 1,793, confused 1,565, blushed 1,543, humiliated 1,514, bully 1,454, one piece 1,409, stripped 1,167, pantsed 1,078, humiliating 989, unconscious 954, naruto 858, dizzy 719, underoos 601, ko 560, knocked out 530, embarrass 422, dazed 358, cartoon briefs 352, cartoon underwear 335, swirly eyes 315, humiliate 251, dora the explorer 223, eyes rolling 220, unconsciousness 200, seeing stars 173, rolling eyes 164, knocked out cold 155, tk 152, knock out 141, out cold 111, hunterxhunter 109, cuckoo 101, naruto shippuden 96, cartoon underpants 91, one punch man 86, killua 83, naruto uzumaki 78, gon 77, luffy 77, knockedout 59, tonguestickingout 51, hunter x hunter 50, punched 47, see stars 46, takeru 44, knocked silly 39, monkey d luffy 37, juniper lee 35, saitama 31, the life and times of juniper lee 17, konohamaru 12, koed 10, kayoed 10, ray ray 9, hazed 8, one punch 7, knocked goofy 7, ray ray lee 6, swirlyeyes 5, hearing bells 4, killuazoldyck 4, dora the explorer underwear 3, knocked cuckoo 2, hunterxhunter2011 1, dora the explorer briefs 1, gonfreecss 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 8 years, 4 months ago
Rating: Mature

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8 years, 4 months ago
Nice! Killua humiliation is the best!
8 years, 4 months ago
I agree.
8 years, 4 months ago
8 years, 4 months ago
You just got knocked the fuck out!
8 years, 4 months ago
8 years, 4 months ago
I had a feeling it was Saitama who taught TK. Keep up the awesome work on this series!
8 years, 4 months ago
8 years, 4 months ago
O_o owch
8 years, 4 months ago
At least Saitama had the decency to hold back in his power so he didn't just vaporize Killua.
8 years, 4 months ago
yea, there is that... XD
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