Halloween: Missingno
Speaking of the mystery of Pokemon; I bring to you, the winner of this year's Halloween Countdown, the greatest mystery to ever come out of Pokemon, the "Missingno"...a reveal I thought would be interesting, but I realized after the "GHOST" from yesterday that probably gave this away entirely... oh well, as much as I try to think I'm pretty inventive with these little twists for Halloween, you can probably always see them coming. Eh, I like em, that's what matters.
So yeah, first off, Happy Halloween to one and all. May it be a spoopy one; Now, as for today's winner. Why Missingno? Well, simply put, Missingno is the living legend of Pokemon, legendary types come and go but the stories of Missingno still echo even to this day. From the kids who found it back in the days of Red/Blue to the younger generation finding out about it now, Missingno is truly what made these games great. Finding rare, elusive, inexplicable creatures and spreading the tales of them. The adventure that we all embarked on in our minds became more real and I think that's definitely why Pokemon GO caught on like it did. It brought us all back to the child in all of us.
Sorry if I'm going a bit too nostalgic here but it's hard not to when it's about something tied so heavily to my own childhood as well as so many others'. I know "missingno" appeared in other games and it's an easily explainable glitch, but as the games advance it becomes less and less of an attainable experience. That old, rough format that brought us the glitch that was "Missingno" is just something you don't come across anymore and in a way it made the experience more stark and off putting. It was creepy in it's own right yet mesmerizing... just like Halloween itself. True, it's probably not my best winner ever and it's probably cheating to a degree, but I stand by my decision.
So from me to you, have a wonder Halloween. Keep it creepy, people~
8 years, 4 months ago
31 Oct 2016 08:11 CET
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