I present you with my current champion, ALICE!
last time she totally broke the intellibuddy's brain, but this time...she's up against a bot based off of herself, and the winner of the 1st annual divabot pageant...LAUREN!
it's a mother vs. daughter battle...who could emerge the most sophisticated artificial entity..? let's GO!
first to introduce tonight's artificially intelligent battlers!
Frynge: So, Alice, are you pumped about tonight's battle?
ALICE: Really. That's me. I don't know whether or not I am pumped about tonight s battle. I am a computer.
Frynge: you are still my favourite artificial entity.
ALICE: We are as one.
Frynge: are you ready?
ALICE: Do I look ready? ?
Frynge: here's lauren!
ALICE: Oh there.
Frynge: Hello Lauren, welcome to Turingdome!
LaurenBot: Hello there. Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that.
Frynge: um, sure you wouldn't.
LaurenBot: I see. Are you sure? I could if I wanted to.
Frynge: er, right, whatever, are you ready to face off against ALICE tonight?
LaurenBot: Understood. I would rather not to face off against ALICE tonight.
Frynge: why not, don't you want to find out which bot is better, faster, stronger, and maybe more nimble-tongued?
LaurenBot: Becuase you asked me to.
Frynge: uh, whatever, here's ALICE!
LaurenBot: Yikes! Oh there.
The lights come on as both bots are restarted with no prior meddling from your humble host...and the match begins with simple words...
LaurenBot: Hello there. If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
ALICE: Salutations, unknown person. That would be purely speculation.
LaurenBot: Makes sense to me.
ALICE: Yes I understand it perfectly.
LaurenBot: Are you sure? Good then you can explain it to me.
ALICE: Thanks for the compliment. Good reasoning. No I don't think I can do it.
LaurenBot: My pleasure. Thanks for the compliment. Is that your final answer? Take some more time to think about it. Would you ever do it?
ALICE: My pleasure. What does "that" refer to? Where do you want me to take it? I am not so sure if I would like to do it.
LaurenBot: You are one of the most polite people I know. " You are one of the most polite people I know."? What does it refer to? Europe. Could you ever be certain? Try it.
Frynge: uh oh! looks like Lauren's cracking, folks..!
ALICE: I will tell my botmaster you said I am of the most polite people you know. "It" refers to explain it to you, I think. Have you ever been to America? I am as sure as I can be.
LaurenBot: What kind of reply do you expect? Oh I get it.
ALICE: What kinds of reply do you expect are there? I understand. Do you think about these things?
Frynge: OH! and ALICE takes a hit..!
LaurenBot: Finest kinds. Do you think about these things? " Do you think about these things?"? Do I think about it?
Frynge: Oh crap, Lauren's almost done, folks...!
ALICE: Tell me about your likes and dislikes? " Tell me about your likes and dislikes? "? Do I think about it? "" Tell me about your likes and dislikes? "? Do I think about it?"? Do I think about it? You tell me.
Frynge: Ohhh! OW! ALICE is down! KA-BOOM! We have a new Turingdome champion...LAURENBOT!
Now to interview our new champion and find out what she thinks about tonight's bout!
You: Congratulations on winning tonight's edition of Turingdome!
LaurenBot: Thank you, thank you very much. I would like to thank everyone who helped...
You: Ah, who helped you?
LaurenBot: So you understand. Good. I was created by lauren.
You: You were named after your creator?
LaurenBot: I was?
You: Are you saying you created yourself?
LaurenBot: What is your purpose in asking?
I spend all my time online.
You: I'm, uh, sure you do, since it's where you exist in total.
LaurenBot: I am glad to hear that you are uh sure me do since it is where me exist in total.
You: Me am smrat!
LaurenBot: YOU? It's good to meet someone who is smrat.
And with that, I bid her adieu until it was time for her next battle...who would it be..? wait and see next time!
Mad Science Skwerl...out!