It may have been inspired by Super Sayans, but since it'd be a few more years before DBZ hit the US, we got the awesome Super Sonic first!
In the original Sonic the Hedgehog, there really wasn't anything big you got for collecting all the Chaos Emeralds, just a slightly different ending where the emeralds floated off, caused some flowers to bloom, and at the end of the credits, you saw Dr. Robotnik stomping angerly instead of telling you to try again.
In Sonic the Hedgehog 2 however, getting all the Emeralds gave you the bonus of being ably to turn into Super Sonic, making the rest of the game a little bit easier with the increased speed and invulnerability to everything outside crushing and pits. And doesn't he just look badass?
The theme that played was also cool. It was a shorts loop sure, but it was one of the faster paced tracks in the game that motivated you to move.