So yeah, my brother was kind enough to get hold of a few transmission gears for my plastic reclaimer, and I decided to clean them up and take some measurements so I could start designing the housing, supports, and gears needed to make it work. The design is simple, and will use manual power until I can find a drive motor strong enough for the task. All said and done, this should reduce even solid prints to a crumbled mass, which will be fed to a set of shred blades down underneath. The blades, unfortunately, will only cut the plastic into 1/8" strips, but the feed augur at the bottom should cut the strips into roughly quarter inch sized pieces, which can then mixed with unprocessed pellets, and extruded into new, useable filament. The hard part is going to be making the extruder, but I like a challenge. Progress updates will come to this as work is done.
8 years, 5 months ago
24 Oct 2016 15:55 CEST
Initial: f1f5a75a79d66df8b154250369439203
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