Title says it all. After 10 years mentioning him in the 3 interpretations of Team Sakara's bio, E-Vok Robotnik - descendant of Dr. Ivo "Eggman" Robotnik, and Team Sakara's arch nemesis - will finally have a face.
Believe it or not, this is also preview for a reference commission for ryonryonryon. He was curious about who E-Vok was, and decided to have me do him up at long last. So I figured, why not.
So who is E-Vok Robotnik? Well, all I tell is follows:
1.) He will be part Borg, and he single-handedly assimilated the Borg Collective in the Milky Way into his Empire, which is why the Borg logo is part of his. 2.) His design & look will be inspired by Shinzon from Star Trek Nemesis, One from Voyager episode "Drone," & Cypher from The Matrix. 3.) His color scheme will be a tribute to the Robotnik styles that came before him.
That's all I can can reveal for now. I don't want to spoil anything else further.