Character Sheet for Harriot Austin
Character Description
A skilled users of Halts they perform powerful blasts that both attack and stun by suddenly stopping their whole body in poses. The stops themselves are the beats in her case.
Stalls was arrested for making public displays of the forbidden art of dancing. She was the last of her kind to be arrested and was notoriously difficult to take down. Since she's the last of her kind the others have already been given the death sentence whilst she still awaits hers. Jim, Indie and Bear broke her out of prison and she told them where to find the texts on the forbidden art of free expression which they could transmit it through the medium of dancing. After breaking into a heavily guarded abandoned mine they used the knowledge they found to unite the people and build an army to overthrow the corrupted government.
set in the 1980's in a fantasy version of the USA, a corrupted government has taken over the people and stifled their freedoms. In the midst of this a small group of people seek to unite the people against their corrupt overlords using a forgotten language of freedom they express through the medium of dance.
red toned skin with scarlet hair and eyes. though not masculine in appearance they are easily mistaken for a man.
white gloves, white sneaks, white flares with turquoise flame pattern on the cuffs and on the hips, white long-sleeve t-shirt with turquoise flame pattern on the cuffs and up the sides of the body.
drinks liquid word and spits the word so that her spit causes an explosion of word that causes enemies to become allies.