In the dream I had last night, the United States became a communist police state overnight.
Early one morning, government troops were patrolling the streets in M-Raps and army tanks. If a civilian vehicle, including commercial trucks were spotted on the roads, they were blasted into pieces and up into a big fireball by a military tank.
Everyone was forced out of their homes and into apartment districts.
It was mandated for everyone to be implanted with an RFID tracking chip.
Those who refused were sent to Nazi concentration death camps in Nevada and Wyoming.
Anyone who spoke out against the new system, and all people of beliefs not in line with the system were also sent to those death camps.
The guards at those camps were always dawned in black or dark grey swat team gear.
Riots didn't last long either...Blackhawk helicopters would burn out entire several city block areas with napalm bombs where crowds of people were.
All phone service and internet service became services for use only by government and law enforcement.
Possession of porn carried the death penalty...But not only porn, even the SFW stuff carried the death penalty if it was not government generated propaganda...In other words, a copy of Bambi got you killed as quick as a copy of Fritz the Cat would.
P. A. systems were installed on light poles in the streets that broadcasted police state propaganda all day long.
The new National Flag was the one I posted from what I remembered in the dream...My dream never did reveal what the R.I.Z.O. stood for...That is the exact flag I saw in my dream.
In my dream, all stars-n-stripes flags, as well as all Bibles, were confiscated and collected up by the government, then taken out to Wyoming to be burned.
Afterwards, it carried the death penalty to be caught with an old stars-n-stripes flag or a Bible in your possession.
Children were no longer raised by parents...They were raised in facilities run by the state. The moment a couple became the proud parents of a baby at the hospital, the baby was immediately whisked away to a government 'child development facility'...It was the last the parent would ever see of the child. The police state figured it was enough of a reward for the parents to know they contributed to the propagation of the species.
The government even controlled who you married, and who does and who does not get married.
The national anthem was even replaced...I even remembered some of the lyrics as;
"I will hold without wavier - With all that I can
To strictest adherence - To laws of this land"
In the dream, what was formally called the United States of America became the laughing stock of the world...Even North Korea had a good laugh now and then.
People of other countries (including 3rd world countries) called Americans "rizzos", because of the new flag.
However, the American people (who were never allowed out of the country) were never told they were an international laughing stock...The police state government convinced the American public that the rest of the world held the highest respect for the police state America and it's people.
8 years, 6 months ago
19 Sep 2016 20:39 CEST
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