The cubs had built a spaceship with some cardboard boxes that they had found!And besides that, they wore their spacesuits for an important "mission in space"! But as in all missions, something had happened!
Sammy:"Houston,we have a problem!One of our astronauts have a great leak!I request instructions!Repeat,I request instructions!"
The boss(in the background):"Message received! I'll take in charge of the affected astronaut!*giggles*"
LOL ... seeing the famous Frank Lovell phrase from the Apollo 13 mission that almost failed in this kinda situation is hilarious ... Well our 3 junior astronauts are lucky ... it's not the service module not the command module an not the lunar module that's ''leaking'' ... it's only a ''urine bag'' ... LOL if you have seen the film it could be one hilarious situation ... if you remember the astronauts had to change the carbon filter using the material they had around them because the format of these was different ... LOL so ... our pups here are lucky they dont ''receive'' a message from message control telling them ... OK guys now this is how you gonna proceed XD XD XD XD XD XD XD XD ... you'll need a plastic pouch ... some ducktape ... some hydropholic cotton ...ect
LOL ... seeing the famous Frank Lovell phrase from the Apollo 13 mission that almost failed in this