MC is the older (by two minutes), and the intellectual of the two, his intellect rivaling Calamity. He's totally blind without his glasses. Sissy is more physical and Artistic, her talent rivaling her brother's. She wears contacts and is, Like MC, blind without them. Both are exhibitionists, (MC is just in the closet as one) and can be insatiable when turned on. In other words, They're perverts. And they are easily attracted to Canids regardless of gender. ;)
MC, being a devout carnivore, loves out smarting his prey and planning out each move they make, leading them into traps he set up in advance. Sissy, having chosen to be an insectivore, enjoys asthetically arranging gardens for the expressed purpose of attracting garden bugs. Her favorite dish is saute'd red fire ants with chilled grubs.
But be warned, They are quite dangerous when made mad. They're both bipolar , bordering on split personalities. If you set any of them off, ... buh-byyyyeee >:D. MC's "other side" can think over 200 steps ahead, on his feet, and can be sadistic vindictive and ruthless. Sissy's "other side" is ruthless, and will strike at your biggest weakness, but not the kill, if only for her own vindictive streak.
Just know the following: Sonic the Hedgehog is Awesomeness personified- period (MC). Sissy is not girly, and sexist remarks are best left to males who no longer wish to be (Sissy). They protect each other like Crazy and hate to see each other upset (Both). Just acknowlwedge these three facts, and you should be just fine.
*Random Facts*
-MC is at odds with his gender and will randomly go as Mina Cynclaire. -MC is an excellent cook, and takes offence to furs with no cooking skill, but enjoys teaching how to cook. -Both twins are trained martial artists. MC's weapon of choice is a simple Scythe. Sissy's is a weighted chain. -Both have supersonic bat sonar and can emit shrill Sonic blast, and have no problem doing so; in fact they kind of enjoy it. but Canines don't- they call it their "Dog Whistle Scream"