In the lands of the Frozen North of the Monster world, there is said to be a monster known simply as Arctimp. Many monsters don't believe them to be real since there have been so few spotted over the many years monsters have come to live in the monster world. a small community filled of all kinds of monsters named Tundraville has appeared close to the border. it is then that several Arctimp appeared followed by a few other ice monsters. Arctimp are known to carry just the hilt of a sword and a sheath for they use their wintery powers to make a blade of ice. when they feel like attacking another way, they use the cannon that's attached at their wrist.
Status: Rare Speed: 80 strength: 75 Intelligence: 75 Species: Demon Gender Ratio: 50/50 Element: Ice Common Attack: SnowBall Barrage, throws several snowballs at opponent Special One: Arctic Breeze, creates freezing winds to lower defense Special Two: Winter blade, creates a blade of ice to use as a sword Special Three: Blizzard Cannon, creates a blizzard with the cannon attatched to their forearm Evolution: Unknown
not here, i haven't drawn her yet because originally this line was going to only be male since that's how it was for when they were fakemon, since they were fire/ghost type
not here, i haven't drawn her yet because originally this line was going to only be male since that'