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RFID Chip?...Don't do it.

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The advent of RIFD chip implants becoming mandatory is closer than what many of us think.

There is a lot of speculation going around out there that the RFID chip could be the mark of the beast as described in the Book of Revelation (not referring to the Animal Kingdom, but rather referring to government and the NWO, 666). While no one can be 100% certain at this point in time that the chip is the mark, I for one will not gamble my soul on it...There is too much at stake there...Especially when you are talking about for ever and for ever and for ever.
I recently asked a pastor who I know if he would accept one of those chip implants, and he told me although he does not know for sure if the chip is the mark, to him it is too much like the mark for him to be comfortable with taking one.

I listed some links below...If nothing else, the 2nd video does have some cool music to it.




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Published: 8 years, 7 months ago
Rating: General

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8 years, 7 months ago
It's entirely possible that the chip could be related to the mark, but there are some important differences. If you take the mark, you've basically sold your soul. There's no going back at that point.  If you are chipped, you could always go in and get it removed, or if it becomes illegal for doctors to remove them, you could risk infection and endure the temporary pain of removing it yourself, or having a trusted friend do it for you.

It's possible that RFID might be in addition to taking the mark, but the mark itself is not something you can undo, and not something you can do without knowingly renouncing God.  There is no such thing as accidentally taking the mark, as that would require accidentally renouncing God.  Revelation makes it pretty clear that taking the mark is conditional to choosing to sell your soul.  If the chip is involved, it would just be a layer of conditional security the world government chose to use to enforce their no buying and selling without the mark rule.  Some people might try to fake to chip to gain access to supplies, but the mark itself is not something one could fake. it would essentially be a binding contract you chose to get into against God.

I still would not get a chip, even in those end times. The chip would let me do a lot of things, like stay in my house, continue to buy food, the have access to medical care and entertainment. It might as well be like having a credit card with no limits. You just need to sell your soul to get it.  The chip, or something like it, would be our world currency, health records, and access to everything, but the price for those benefits would be conditional on agreeing to be marked.  Agreeing to the mark is a death sentence for one's soul that can't be undone.

If someone is chipped today, it is just a stupid chip. There is currently no requirements to get a mark and renounce God. Such a chip has very limited appeal or power right now.

I still would not want one, even if only for my dislike of potentially being tracked. I don't even own a cell phone. No company needs to know everything I do and everywhere I go.  I prefer to stay independent of a corporate controlled manipulative system, in as many ways as possible. When the time comes, and we end up with a world government and the events mentioned in Revelation are happening around us, the government is going to want to track us and keep unmarked people from access. They will likely use dozens of things to watch and control people, from RFID, to geo-location in devices, to monitoring all financial transactions. Cash would no longer be accepted anywhere, as it would allow off-grid transactions that they couldn't follow.  The more a person relies on the technology that allows tracking, the easier it will be for the government to control them, and ultimately convince them to get the mark, once the time comes.

Personally, I'd rather not rely on all those conveniences that make it so easy to be tracked and manipulated.  I'll never want to be chipped. I'll never likely carry devices like cel phones. I disable geo-location and tracking on the computers I use as it is.  To much is already out there, and I like to make it just a wee bit harder for them to put all the pieces together.

When it comes to the mark, I'd rather starve to death than to accept it.  I've thought about it, and am sure that is the only I can make choice if I'm ever faced with it.
8 years, 7 months ago
Well said.
I have figured that it might be made a requirement to renounce God to receive the chip.
There is also speculation going around that once the chip is in you, it alters the way your brain is wired. So even if you do remove it, the damage is already done.
8 years, 7 months ago
There's no real way to know until the time comes.  Just like with Old Testament prophecy, many people didn't understand it too well until after Christ came and fulfilled it. Revelation is sort of like that.  Most people likely don't understand all symbolic details now, but they will seem obvious during and after the events play out. Revelation is a prophecy that won't be validated until it is happening. About the only thing that is very clear is who wins.

Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to dwell too much on Revelation. It's enough for me to know who wins.  To be on the winning side, it's far more important to have heard the salvation message and to be spiritually prepared. Part of spiritual preparedness is to do as Christ commanded - to love, as he loves, and to forgive, as he forgives.  Sadly, many churches are caught up in dwelling on end time fear and uncertainty, instead of love and how to find salvation. No one is saved by hearing Revelation. No one is saved by fear.  That's not what Revelation is intended for.  It's hard to find more then a few scholars who even agree on what much of Revelation means.  It's a book of the future, mainly for the future, to validate the prophecy as it unfolds.  Yes, it's full of signs, but the signs appeared as if they were upon us for the past 2,000 years.  Every generation since them has thought it might be in their life time.  Now it might be in ours, but it might just as easily be ten thousand years in the future. The Bible says the neither Christ, nor the angels, know when the end time will be. Only God the father knows.  The main thing of value and consequence to us in Revelation is to be prepared, for whenever it might be, however it happens. Alert Christians will recognize the signs as they are happening, but probably not much before. But, there's little point in dwelling on the possibilities in fear, as some entire churches do.
8 years, 7 months ago
There was a reason the Book of Revelation was written the way it was. It was written by St. John when he was in prison on the Isle of Papmos. If St. John had written it to where the Roman guards could understand it, he would have been put to death.  

I remember my dad made the statement back in 1973, "I believe most of these new 1973 model cars will still be on the road when Jesus returns".
Today, you would be hard pressed to see a 1973 model car even in a junkyard or out in a field of weeds.
8 years, 7 months ago
I'm pretty sure that events Revelation will always be assumed to be coming within a generation. That's the way it's been for so long.  I don't make that assumption, but I'd be a fool to not be prepared in case it does. Unexpected events can cause the world to change rather fast at times.

I'm guessing that most people won't be prepared when end time events start. Most might not even recognize it for what it is once it starts.  Even those of us who are prepared, are probably not going to be prepared as much as we should have been.  When you think about it, a whole lot of stuff happens in a rather short time during the Tribulation. The conditions that allow for a single world government to form seem almost impossible right now, but it might only take one very big event to set us on that path. Maybe Trump will nuke eastern Turkey, or something else really stupid, and set off another war in Europe that spreads to the world. That would be World War III. Depending on what happens, the world could come to its senses and form a overseeing world union to prevent future wars. Think of it as a much larger version of the European Union.  Depending on how a world war played out and how fast things moved, we could go from the many countries we have now to a nearly global ruler-ship in just a few years. If the right person with the right charisma happened to come onto the scene at a time like that, they could climb to the top really fast.  Gee, that's sort of how the antichrist is said to come into power.  I'm not saying that's how we will get there, but just that when it happens, it could move very fast.

What would happen to this world if a 9-11 level attacks happened in 30 parts of the world at the same time.  I can easily imagine the fear driving us to ignore all privacy and freedom in favor of gaining the desired security. The bulk of the world could shift to a martial law police state out of fear. Once there, it's rather hard to gain back the lost freedoms.  There are just so many things that can change the world very fast.  It's entirely possibly that none of that will happen any time soon.  It's not something to fear, but it is something be prepared for if it ever does. We'll know it's the Revelation end time events as they happen, because the prophecies would make sense as they actually started to happen. Right now, Revelation makes about as much sense to most of us as a computer manual would make to Moses!
8 years, 6 months ago
I argue that this whole "Revelations" thing is a forgery.
The Adventists argue that the "mark" is observing Sunday as the Sabbath, and that, once the Last Judgement reaches the living ... Mayhaps I'd better explain. They believe that the Last Judgement is already in progress, that it began in 1841 and Christ has been sitting in the Heavenly Sanctuary updating the Book of Life, adding names, tossing out names... When he reaches the living, such are SEALED as saved -or damned. The latter will ,as their states are fixed, receive sores all over their bodies, sewage for drink, scorching heat, darkness and hailstones ! The sunday keepers will thus be easily identified

There is NO evidence that the Last Judgement began in 1841, just as there is no evidence that the saved were recreated as invisible spirits, beginning in 1918 (Witnesses). We got no message that any such took place.

I see no reason to believe that an implanted chip will damn you. Or that the Rapture will take place prior to worldwide chipping.One fat bast claimed to have accidentally invented the "chip" , but he is known to be a liar.

No, the Mark began in 96 a.d., with Domitian who required storekeepers to worship him in order to get certificates to buy & sell. Some copies still exist. Before the project could get well underway, the emperor was assassinated.
8 years, 6 months ago
I agree - an implanted chip, can never damn anyone.  No device that man can invent can damn a man's soul, nor save a man's soul.

Some people are actually afraid to go to concerts and amusement parks, because they might get stamped with a temporary tattoo on the hand.  People seem perfectly happy to listen to fear and scare teaching based on Revelation, but very few actually check to see what it actually says.  Most people never study the Bible to see the context that Revelation was written in.  Some people and some churches dwell on that one book of the Bible, as if it had all the answers. Yes, Revelation has meaning, but it's not crucial to anyone's salvation to understand it. It never claims to be.  Revelation is a prophecy book, and was written largely based on the dreams of a man in prison.  Like most prophecy books, it is not likely to be understood well before its time.  No churches should be dwelling on it, or using it preach doom and fear.  Yes, it speaks of the end times, and as a Christian, I believe the Bible to be true, but the Bible also warns us not to be preoccupied with the end times.  It also warns about false profits and how to see through them.  Most churches that spend most of their time in Revelation or also failing the Biblical tests against being false prophets.

Revelation is not one of the books in the Bible that is known to contain the messages of salvation. There are 66 books in the Bible, and some churches think it's the only one!  Presenting it in the context of fear can serve no purpose, other than to scare potential believers away.  Taken out of context, it can be a very dangerous book to new believers.

What scares some Christians the most - the number 666, the rapture, pentagrams, the number 13, going to Hell, sex, hearing rock music, gay people?

Why on all this earth would a Christian be scared of the rapture?  The Bible never actually mentions it. Biblical scholars argue over whether there will be one. There are two possibilities for Christians, the rapture will happen, or it won't. If it doesn't happen, then there is no reason to fear it. If it does happen, then it's the event that spares Christians from all the Tribulation (anti-Christ) stuff.  Yet, most Christians still fear it.

What about 666, 13 and pentagrams? If you fear those as a Christian, you might as well be saying that you don't think God has power over them.  Nothing having anything to do with 666 can hurt the eternal soul of someone who follows Christ. So why do so many churches teach Christians to fear what the Bible says not to fear?  If God isn't infinitely more powerful than numbers and symbols, then he wouldn't be much of a God.

What about the end times in general?  Many Christians seem to fear that too.  They are pre-occupied with knowing when it will be, even though the Bible clearly says no man knows the day or time. When asked, Jesus said that he doesn't even know when it will be, nor even the angels, but that only God the father knows.  How many churches have placed themselves above Christ by claiming to know the day?  They make themselves to be churches of false prophecy.

Why do some Christians fear going to Hell?  Is a promise from God not good enough?  I can understand some non-Christians possibly fearing Hell, but most of them don't.  It's usually Christians who fear it, even though they supposedly won't ever see it.

Add RFID to the list. Christians fear it more than non-Christians in my experience, as if it somehow has power over God.  I don't like RFID, mainly because I'm not a fan of being tracked or watched in general, but there's nothing about RFID that can separate a person's soul from God - unless you worship it or something like that.  Christians often worry about things that can't possibly hurt them, while doing little that can help. Some chose to live lives of prejudice, doom and fear, rather than love, forgiveness and optimism.
8 years, 6 months ago
As to the alledged Rapture, there IS a passage in Ist Thessalonians 4:16-17 that talks of it, BUT it does not connect it to a Great Tribulation (7 years or whatever). I meant to say much more, but decided not to fester this argument on... Let it suffise that I find these rapture tracts offensive,even obscene. Especially those who set dates.
8 years, 7 months ago
I stumbled on this.
I have a GPS which is impressive.
I will not buy a cell-phone, tho everybody else seems to have one. especially on the bus.(When my father passed, people did not have cell-phones, but now everybody seems to have one of these pocket computers. Scifi in waking reality !) Mine proved user-hostile and I finally gave up TRYING to get it to obey the manual's commands. I could not even turn if off. I returned it to Target.
I have no qualms about getting something that can be called the Mark. The book of Revelations is spurious. So is Daniel. These 2 failed prophecies have caused no end of doctrinal mischief. Jefferson razored them out of his bible.

Domitian the Beast instituted the Mark in 96. It was a paper license for merchants, but it required personal devotion to the emperor and sacrificing in his name. Possessing this license allowed merchants to conduct business. Domitian was assassinated in 96 before he could extensively carry out this scheme. The Great Tribulation is now 1900+ years overdue.

This Great Tribulation nonsense in several tracts I own (~1000 tracts, about 2% of such are written by lunatics * ) which actually pushed me into atheism ! I have no patience with peop who claim to have the Truth, but have no empirical proof or evidence (no photos or videos of hell...no artifacts from hell...) Peop who claim to be in the One True Church generally do their level best to keep everybody out of it !

I became atheist in may,2 years ago.

If the "chip" rewires your brain, then you are a cyborg ! That I would intrigued by.

* Meandering train of thought, inexcusable mis-spellings of words and errors in grammar." No I blie ..." or strange claims ...
8 years, 6 months ago
I still don't want anyone messing with my brain.
8 years, 7 months ago
With kind feelings! :)
8 years, 7 months ago
I'm not Christian, but if there is a "mark of the beast" it can't be something they can give to people without their consent. That would invalidate the whole point of it. There has to be a conscious choice the person makes to give away the "soul".

The way most people interpret Christianity in modern times, there is the whole thing about humans having "free will", that is supposed to be center of the conflict since the beginning of time.

"Selling" implies the person wants to give something in exchange for something else. If being "marked" was something that can be done without your knowledge, by telling you is a flu shot or whatever... then the whole story makes no sense.
8 years, 7 months ago
It could be possible that if the chip itself is not the Mark of the Beast, swearing a denunciation of the Deity of Jesus, and the denunciation of God required in order to get that chip could be the Mark.

In any oath, you raise your right hand, and the oath you remember is in the frontal part of your brain (forehead).
8 years, 6 months ago
Nobody is actually planning to put RFID chips in people without consent. And certainly, nobody will be demanding that a person renounce God in order to get one. It's not on the way. It's not going to happen.

There are many people speculating about it, but there is zero actual evidence that this is coming. RFID chips for pets, yes, but that's only because your dog or cat, if they get lost, can't pull out an ID card or explain. For small children, there are ID bracelets; I had one as a kid. Metal tag on a chain that gives your address and medical information.
8 years, 6 months ago
There are many things that have come about today no one thought we would witness five years ago.
8 years, 6 months ago
I stand by my statement: this is NOT on the way. There would be a worldwide outcry, and probably a revolt.

My belief is probably helped by my belief that there is no anti-christ here, or on the way.
8 years, 6 months ago
I have a rather long block list. Generally it involves terms of excrement, gore, and unappealing sex acts, but I am that turned off by this religious stuff about the "rfid chip" that I am adding it to the block list. I'm sorry, but while I find you and AlexReynard enjoyable, I do NOT wish to argue about the "rfid chip" anymore. Sorry.

I am also going to just ignore these editorial cartoons. They belong in a newspaper, not wasted here.
6 years, 4 months ago
Yup, but  here is an interesting twist to that whole game the new "social credit score" that China is introducing that tracks and ranks it's citizens on their behavior "Good" citizens get rewarded and "bad"cotocens get punished you are tracked and monitered 24/7-365 via your cel phone and the thousands of security cameras and facial recoginition software your ranking changes in real time by your action, your internet activity,  your shopping habits, and the people and groups you associate with and the opinions you post. if your score drops to low you will be deniged acces to air and high speed rail travel as well as college and job acess...
there is your "Mark-of-the-beast" right there.  rolling out in CHINA soon to me intorduced in the UK and comming to every western country on the planet. No RFID CHIP NEEDED Biomertic facial recognition is the key
( you can skip past the and ads 3:30) the info is chilling it is here NOW and Google is helping them with a new spy search ap
6 years, 4 months ago
Glad I don't live in China.
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