Thank you! I dig seeing them, too - studying other people's styles is a great way to hone your own! In this case, they all stayed sketchy because I only spend about 10-15 minutes on each... save for the Pepper one.
Thank you! I dig seeing them, too - studying other people's styles is a great way to hone your own!
I adore that kneeling sketch of Pepper; feel it's a great pose and the cross hatching on her eyes and mouth is amazing! The other sketches are nicely posed too (always liked that 'messy line' look you get from sketches being done and re-done); like the facial expressions you've drawn.
PS: your style really suits Judy Hopps for some reason. :)
I adore that kneeling sketch of Pepper; feel it's a great pose and the cross hatching on her eyes an
Thankies :3 And with the exception of Pepper, they were all done super quick, so they kept that messy look~ Granted, that's why I generally prefer sketches, both in drawing them and in looking at them!
Thankies :3 And with the exception of Pepper, they were all done super quick, so they kept that mess