Character Sheet for Frynge Grid-Jumper / Frynge Sprocket
Male or Female, depending on clone.
Variable, depending on clone.
Character Description
A moderately short grey and orange squirrel-like creature with a wild gleam in its grey eyes, its tail trails blurred pixels in the space behind it like a bad video. Wearing a white labcoat, t-shirt, and a pair of tan slacks, and goggles, it's clear that this squirrel is... abnormal.
Curious and amoral but kind. This mad scientist squirrel is surprisingly social and loyal to company. Often ropes said company into any number of... experiments. There are any number of Frynges at a given time with all kinds of varying traits thanks to cloning and genetic manipulation, but they all generally act the same.
Likes: chocolate, spicy foods, science, robots, mechs, star fighters, friends, explosions, mind control, genetic engineering, breaking the game / glitching reality, breaking the 4th wall.
Dislikes: cinnamon, bullies, Vogons, bad pilots, bad tempers, bad checksums.
This squirrel is mysterious when it comes to the past, having lost some portion of memory along the way. The first thing he remembers is waking up in a lab, which he assumed was his. It turned out that he knew how to use most of the equipment and the principles behind most of what he found, so he was probably right. He has lots of drones to perform tasks for him, a giant robot for defense, a flying battleship... but he's not entirely sure why.
This place became lonely without others to speak with, so he cloned many variations of himself to associate with before going out to visit others once he was comfortable. Turns out that the multiverse is a big place for a glitched squirrel...
Aside from clones, has no currently known family or relatives. Might have several children eventually...
Coming from an artificially created pocket dimension which intersects many other worlds, he and his clones are seen in any number of places. The pocket dimension itself houses his sprawling underground R&D facility and factories, located in the middle of a vast plain. This dimension is sometimes found by others, sometimes hostile. Willpower appears to have a stronger effect on the fabric of reality here.
This squirrel is (usually) about 5' 4" and has a slender build. Fur is grey with a blaze or orange starting from about the muzzle and running all the way down between the legs and into the tail, which itself is a mottling of orange and grey. His headfur is frizzy / spiky. Think a bit like an Einstein look except in kind of shorter soft, spiky clumps instead. The headfur would also be grey with an orange streak on the right (his right, left when seen from the front) and running all the way back. Eyes are likewise a steel grey. Tail leaves trails of "digital artifacts" when moving, of the sort that you might see when watching a badly compressed movie. These would probably be shown as some sort of "digital" effect around it in artwork such as trails of pixels or a pixellation effect.
usually wears a t-shirt (of whatever colour from that day), tan slacks, and a white labcoat. Shoes optional and variable.
Always wears a pendant on a string that looks like a rusty gear. (this is actually a control used to call in a giant robot / mech in case of attack)
Usually wears a pair of goggles (style varies) either on forehead or over eyes depending on situation.