One fan-fic opens with his family meeting -at home- with the principal. The latter is formally expelling Gumball for destroying the school. Gumball rigged a soot bomb just for giggles, BUT ... it malfunctioned, became an "infernal machine" and what didn't get blown up, burned down. No deaths, but many,incl. Anais and Darwin were injured. Richard threw Gumball against the wall shouting "YOU'RE A MISTAKE !". Gumball is made to sleep in the garage that night.
The next day Gumball drives the family car -into the reservoir and drowns himself in despair. Surveillance tapes reveal that after Gumball rigged his soot bomb, somebody else tampered with it and changed it into an infernal machine. Gumball, now a ghost, is warned by Carrie not to pursue the investigation or he'll lose his chance to get to heaven. He pursues it anyhow.
The last "chapter" was actually a notice by the author that he was not continuing the story as he's had second thoughts about this. He apologizes to the readers. It has since been taken down.
Too often a fan-fic is abandoned or deleted because the author couldn't commit him(or her)self to choreograph it any more. They should choreograph fully, before making a commitment to do it. Example: ZODIAC in DevArt that has gone at least 1 1/2 YEARS with no update in a cliffhanger battle. Twelve superheroes fighting a horde of supervillains may have proven too much a commitment for the writer/artist. I gave up on it finally.
One fan-fic opens with his family meeting -at home- with the principal. The latter is formally expel
I mean that if you start a fan-fic or webcomic, you should be able in all ways, to commit yourself to finishing it. Barring unforeseen circumstances, that should be the case. Zodiac was left at a major cliffhanger because the project proved too ambitious to carry to completion. Eggplantman should at least posted notice of any trouble, or he should have posted a text wrap-up. Since a year and a half (18 MONTHS) elapsed since the last posting, it's logical to just - give up on seeing any more of the story.
I mean that if you start a fan-fic or webcomic, you should be able in all ways, to commit yourself t