Gorgoleo are fusion creatures, created when two monsters come in contact with The Merge Stone, Gorgoleo in particular are created from a fusion of a Gorgon, and a Leoiss: http://kuwabaravsyusuke.deviantart.com/art/Leoiss-the-... doubling in size compared to their counterparts, Gorgoleo retain most of the abilities that both possess however they are prone to using the Gorgons abilities more.
Status: Semi Rare Speed: 70 Strength: 85 Intelligence: 80 Element: Stone/Poison Common Attack: Dust Storm. kicks up a cloud of dirt to either blind or confuse opponent monster Special One: forms small pebbles to launch at opponent much like a high powered weapon Special Two: Leo Claw, Large claws emerge for cutting damage Special Three: Stone Leer, creates a fossilized outer shell of the opponent monster Evolution: Unknown