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I suppose that's one of the difference between an erotic graphic novel and a porn comic. Sadly it takes us a while to pick up steam, but hopefully the payoff has a lot more impact :) A sad feature of our style too, large single panel pages mean lots of pretty details, but if we used a more traditional comic layout we'd get to things a lot fast with a lot of the subtext lost. 40 pages might only be.. 10 pages in that style considering our script.
I suppose that's one of the difference between an erotic graphic novel and a porn comic. Sadly it ta
would it be possible to use this same style but stack them three high? I mean if you take the first 3 pages of this and stack them on top of each other is anything really lost?
would it be possible to use this same style but stack them three high? I mean if you take the first
At this resolution we probably wouldn't lose much, and when we re-size for an actual book production some of this may be condensed to 2-3 large panels a page. The key things was that with all the time and effort the pages take us this gets, what is a more complex story than some erotica, the story to people quicker and is easier to set a rate for on Patreon. An average of two of this pages a week there, and one here, would be only 1-2 uploads a month if we condensed into the comic format instead of the visual novel style.
At this resolution we probably wouldn't lose much, and when we re-size for an actual book production
Well I really appreciate the detail you put into every page. The characters look great and Milo is probably the only male that I've seen so far (anywhere) that Sky would actually ask out on a date.
And I can see where you're coming from, it's more about how much of the story you want to present at a time. And I know full well what this is, I read the disclosure that this is more about Milo's dealings with the horses and much less about any erotica; a novel adaptation.
Therefore, you'd made it clear this is the format you're going for and have thought it out, so I concede
Well I really appreciate the detail you put into every page. The characters look great and Milo is p
That's high praise :) and thank you very much for understanding. I know it splits our audience a little, but that sort of teen lust and things being suggestive is kind of what Milo is going through too - apt that the audience has the same feelings because of our limits of production speed.
That's high praise :) and thank you very much for understanding. I know it splits our audience a lit
No doubt about it. So far this reminds me of Tenshi Muyo, an anime series where a guy gets stuck in a house with five other woman. A ton of sexual tension happens, but nothing beyond that.
I think what I like most about Milo is how passive he is, or seems to be so far. He takes things as they come and is will to do what others say, but at the same time he's curious and it's clear he's got that teenage lust inside him he tries to repress (like when he sat on the briefcase with the bunny)
I'd LOVE to encounter Milo and just give him a one night stand full of magic
No doubt about it. So far this reminds me of Tenshi Muyo, an anime series where a guy gets stuck in