Admittedly I haven't played Skyrim, but you'll find no locks to pick or escape route down there, just a small water channel narrower than your head! Besides, I doubt Kit would be able to pick the locks, given the manacles prevent him from standing up or even straightening his legs, while his arms are bound behind his back. And should he escape anyway, a few more red stripes will be added to his collection and he'll be put right back where he is, except maybe with worse to come!
Admittedly I haven't played Skyrim, but you'll find no locks to pick or escape route down there, jus
Heh, I never really thought of that. I imagined I would be able to lift my thighs very slightly or bend my body forward, albeit painfully, to reach the water bowl, but if it is there to mock me, well... such a cruel extra bit of punishment for the little Curious Kit! I hope I get released and cuddled soon!
Heh, I never really thought of that. I imagined I would be able to lift my thighs very slightly or