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Animal-creatures-furry literature books collection

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by Kooskia
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covers (c) to respective authors.

This is the full list of books I've read up now featuring full or partial animal/anthro point-of-view.

I do NOT suggest you all these books.

I am extremely glad if someone would like to chat about some of these titles: both if you read them, or if you intends to do it. ^^

Also I am extremely glad for suggestions of other potential titles to read!

   Comments and opinions are extremely welcome ^^

furry 120,361, feral 92,868, animal 12,263, creature 5,593, book 4,439, books 1,150, literature 200, animal literature 2, furry books 2, book covers 1, furry literature 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 8 years, 10 months ago
Rating: General

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8 years, 10 months ago
*ryu bounds through your window and steals them all*
8 years, 10 months ago
*chuckle* will defend them 'till last breath!

But I am far from being satisfied <-< I will upload this submission file in future with new updates Xd
8 years, 10 months ago
*throws down pawstar monthly with krystal nudes in it and keeps shoving the books into his backpack*
8 years, 10 months ago
I blame my eyes... but can you tell me the title and author of the "Shadows" book next to the Volle series please. The cover art looks interesting and I do wish to look up a summary should I wish to purchase a copy. Thank you.
8 years, 10 months ago
Sorry ^^ It was hard fitting a format that was big enough to keep all inside, but small enough to be uploaded.
If you mean "Shadow of the Father" is still part of Volle series ^^ The last one released actually, also it's the one mostly adventure/drama than erotic.

If you search for another Volle-like erotic novel... it is not (there are just a pair of adult scenes), but if you want a more adventure like plotline with same setting and characters (well, actually the son of Volle), that's it.

8 years, 10 months ago
Ah thank you I did not know there was a fourth one I'll have to hunt it down
8 years, 10 months ago
No Redwall? My first furry daydreams were of the otters of Redwall
8 years, 10 months ago
Second guy that  pointed that out to me haha! xD

Well... I've been a bit wary with that series: mostly for the size, and also for some reviews pointing out species-related villains.
8 years, 10 months ago
True it does discriminate species into villains. Didn't thing about that as an issue til now.very good point.
8 years, 10 months ago
I want to finish reading the Felidae series, I need to find time to learn how to read German first, then find the physical copy's to buy them. The three books in English are still in my kindle library.
8 years, 10 months ago
You're lucky to have got the third one in english then xD Because Amazon deleted all his files (due political complains thanks the surprising changes coming from the author). To be honest, I suggest you to do as I did... search online files of the books, and read them with google translator.
8 years, 10 months ago
One possible new source and I know a few websites to buy the physical books.
8 years, 10 months ago
And there are the books I'm most familiar with... Guess whis ones are those ;)
8 years, 10 months ago
Haha no idea honestly xD Well the Warcraft one?
Actually should have included a pair of other Warcraft books... if I recall well, one of the last ("Stormrage") included also Tauren point-of-view (but I could be wrong, read it some time ago Xd)
8 years, 10 months ago
I've read a few of these books, but not nearly as many as I would have wished. I've read the following out of the list:

- The Dragon DelaSangre series (except for the last book. Been meaning to get that)
- The Sight (though haven't actually read through all of it yet. I need to get on that.
- Call of the Wild (a good long time back)
- Some of the various furry graphic novels and short stories that you have down there as well.

Do you have any particular suggestions out of the list you have to read? I'll have to go through a few and see what I've read related to these things too. Been listening to audio books more often as of late so I can listen to them at work or while driving. :)
8 years, 10 months ago
Thanks for your comment, x3 and here some sparse replies Xd

The Dragon DelaSangre. I read only the first two, the others are good? I admit that I was a bit set-back for the show-of of cruelty of first book, but second book was a bit better on this aspect and it increased the amount of interesting events (especially dragon-dragon interactions). I would enjoy to read the next books if they include further "meeting with discoveries" events (for example dragonXhuman relationship that try to include some mutual understanding, not necessarily with a good ending, but at least an ATTEMPT, before a gruesome ending).
Aaaaaand it was also a bit good the amount of mating-related content Xd

The Sight is a very awesome books, and honestly one of the few books that made me cry (I am a boy and quite capable to keep emotions, yet it did). I just warn you that it include very dramatic scenes: next to the book I've added "Fell", the sequel. It is... much less good, actually a bit boring, especially the overwhelming human point-of-view following a pointless and annoying (at some points) "chosen-one mary sue cliché character". It is however worth to read if you are curious to know the ultimate destiny of some of the wolves of the first book. I suggest you to read it only if finish The Sight and really need to know how it ends reading by yourself (or could simply ask me or other readers).

Now, to more general suggestions. Much it's up to some elements you require upfront. Do you enjoy more dragons/fantasy creatures or animal characters? And among them, do you like felines or prefer canids? x3
8 years, 9 months ago
Ah another who loves reading these sort of books :3. I have read most of these. Now to look up those I have not, thanks for the list :3.
8 years, 9 months ago
Thanks! x3 Keep in mind that I do not suggest all of them! XP
Which ones are the ones you've not read and you are interested about? x3
8 years, 9 months ago
Hmm well I have not read any of the dragon ones except wings of fire and inheritance. Any which you recommend of them maybe.

The four starting with off the beaten path seems interesting.

Otherwise maybe Dark's Tale. I tend to read all the cat books I find :3.

Oh and maybe I can suggest one, The Tygrine Cat, quite an interesting two book story about a cat with a certain power and destiny. The author just started a new series about a fox too and is part of the 'erin' team that does the survivors books (ok not a great example of good books xD).
8 years, 9 months ago
The two main series of dragons I could suggest you here are both Age of Fire and Temeraire.
Age of Fire is a full-fantasy lotr style fantasy world (human, elves, dwarvs, orcs-like race) just with a minor amount of magic. And the whole series strictly follow only draconic point-of view.
It follow 3 different siblings (two brothers, one sister) at first living their sepate lives (first 3 books) then acting together with alterned point-of-view (last 3 books).
I suggest it to you because it's reall "full dragon unleashed", sometimes with hints and touchs of gore (for example the "good protagonists" eating humans in certain situation), and a good amount even if not excessive graphic of mating hints and mature jokes.
Most cool aspects it's that dragons are portrayed also as a own civilization, and they are engaged in politics and warfare and ground battle-campaigns.

Main shortcoming of books it's that the last 2 (especially the very last one) were wrote in a rush with lack of editor-check. Especially the very last book as few lapsus and names mixed, and one or two points that are simply illogic (characters "appearing" suddenly etc..). And a final passage being very difficult to understand (however the epilogue ease a bit this difficulties and explain few things).

Weird you never heard of Temeraire, a quite famous one. First books of the series are only human-pov. Later it's alterned with dragon one. It's alternate history with dragons co-living with humans and being used for warfare during the Napoleonic Wars.
Most of the books are thrilling, with a good amount of action and interaction and fun elements (especially from dragon/human interactions). Dragons are a bit curious... they're (almost all) less intelligent than human, a bit "simple-minded" let's say. Still some are intelligent, and few are true villains.
Main shortcoming is one specific book of the saga (Tongue of Serpents) that is a incredibly boring journay through the Australian desert. But apart that one, all the others are good.
Also there is a good amount of mating elements (including hint of dragon masturbation! xD ) and mating-related jokes Xd

The four furry books are from Rukis, to be honest I think she match Kyell Gold on many details, even if she is less famous (together they're probably the best furry author who write books). You should search her gallery on Furaffinity also to see her pics (and to read the chapters of the books directly there if you want a taste). "Off the Beaten Path" is the first of a trilogy. "Heretic" is a spin-off following the life of a minor character of the main trilogy (and he's actually a character of a ongoing comic).
Off the Beaten Path is a adventure drama, VERY drama sometimes set in a north-east american finctional world with native tibes, colonists etc. It's not exactly accurate in portrayal of natives and colonists but it's not meant to be...
Also, differently from Kyell Gold there is less sex: there is and is descriptive, but on less amount (and weird enough I found that a spin-off short erotic story she wrote and placed on Patreon was ESSENTIAL to fully understand the ending of the trilogy)


Sadly I do not suggest you much Dark's Tale. It started being interesting, then added some unexplained amount of mystery/spirit/supernatural element that was left unexplained and more than creating "mystery" was just too much confusing.

I was waiting to read The Tygrine Cat (heard of it), a friend of mine should read it before me (another great reader )
No problem xD As you can see I still inserted Erin Hunters book, and my review of them is some kind neutral: repetitive stuff but some good ideas.

8 years, 9 months ago
Oh thanks for the detailed reply. Of the above I think I would have a look at age of fire, it sounds very interesting. Temaraire sounds interesting too. I'll have to read them all eventually.

I have never actually read a furry themed book surprisingly, but again sounds like another interesting one, I will be sure to check out their furaffinity thanks =D.

Ah fair enough on Dark's Tale, shall give that a pass then.

Oh and as far as shortcomings, as long as they are mostly enjoyable I am happy. I have read all the Erin Warrior books after all. I like the concept, enjoyed the first series and enjoyed the rest to keep reading. But to say they are well written is well yeah. But I still enjoy them and the authors are nice.

Tygrine is bit like varjak in a way, but has a more of a unique style to it. May or may not be to your tastes but I say worth a try. Only thing I can think of suggesting anyway :P. Oh or perhaps if you liked the Ratha books, Clare Bell also wrote one called The Jaguar Princess which i finally managed to read after finding it was an eBook. Unlike Tomorrows Sphinx, which I only found through a fairly cheap old library copy from amazon xD.

8 years, 9 months ago
Hello back! Sorry for the delayed replies x3
Yeah, both Age of Fire and Temeraire are (so far) the best dragon-point-of-view stories I read.
Some dragons fans however criticized Temeraire's dragons for acting a bit too much "naive" while realting with humans, so if you enjoy more the classic fearsome and powerful (and intelligent) dragon, Age of Fire is for you.
But I think Temeraire has a number of qualities, including a number of humoristic scenes (not weird or stupid) concerning dragon-human relationship.

About furry books. Rather than Furaffinity, generally speaking there are a pair of sites focused on furry books. Including some completely SFW (but I've not ventured with them)).
A friend of mine read Jaguar Princess, but she was not very thrilled by it. Mostly because found that the animal-element and changing power was not what she expected. Eventually I could read it, but so far is not on priority list.
However, I think I could upload this page in a couple of months. I've started reading a pair of interesting feline books.
7 years, 10 months ago
I have read some of them and some of them is made as a movie too like Watership down and the one with the owls i think that movie is called Legend of the Guardians.
7 years, 10 months ago
Hi again! Oh yeah, some has been done in movies xd Both Watership Down (but that one also was made as a cartoon tv-series: I watched only few episodes however). And of course Guardians of Ga'hoole... (but that book series I stopped it, plans to resume it however).
Alsot he german series Felidae was made into a movie x3
7 years, 10 months ago
i dont think i have read that one ^_^ anyway. You're missing a book :-b but it's also a Danish book made by a Norwegian author Thorbjørn Egner called The animals in Hakkebakkeskove.
7 years, 10 months ago
You could watch the movie, it is around youtube ^^ It is basically a noir with cats. Some supernatural elements also..
and it's quite mature as theme, including also a high amount of death/violence and some gore, and it has also an animated mating scene of two cats xD

Oh... I am quite sure I missed LOTS of books. The lists of animal literature are huge ^^
Never heard of that one, but looking from the cover seems a kid's book? I try to pick young adult themed stories xd
7 years, 10 months ago
mating scene of two cats o.O then i have to see it :-b.
7 years, 10 months ago
hehe yes but there is also some quite heavy scenes (beheading, disembowel etc..)
Also my feral tomcat Khaldun was originally intended as a Felidae OC for a fanfiction sequel i planned to write (after a previous one i wrote in my language).
German + english subs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oAI33tkxFI
English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRaVp9F9j_M
7 years, 10 months ago
Heh, no Reynard cycle
7 years, 10 months ago
I know the character, but never found or started some specific modern interpretations..
or you mean the original medieval stories?
7 years, 10 months ago
I do~
7 years, 10 months ago
OMg you are a warriors fan and even read warcraft series i play wow and have the jaina book.OW god you must have an awesome taste can you recommend a book to read that have a feral as protagonist like warrior cats?It ca be any canine feline lupine vulpine anything that dont fly do you recommend any?
7 years, 10 months ago
Hehe yep, interesting question however. The style of Erin Hunter is quite particular, and MOST of the other animal books you see in this list have a slightly more mature rating compared Warriors:  often focus on less numerous characters and with more stress toward the single protagonist adventure and an higher amount of poetry/charm in natural descriptions.

You could look into the upper part of this schede (the feline section): the books named "Ratha's Creature", "Ratha's Courage", "Clan Ground" etc...
It is a series of 5 books (so far)  wrote by author  Clare Bell ,  featuring an alternate pre-history with a species of large felines (similar to cheetah but more muscolar and sometimes with protruding fangs, and having no spots while pelt can be of different pattern from sand to silver-gray to copper to black).
Like Warriors, their society is centered on a Clan, but the "Named" (they call themselves in this way) is developing into a sentient primitive society (they are herder and no more hunters etc..) with increasing discoveries.
Most of the plot is focused on conflict with more primitive Un-Named (most of them are not sentient).
Protagonist is a female (first book) then it alternate with another female and a male.
It has more mature themes compared Warriors including a quite significant portrayal of sexuality and mating (there are a couple of mating scenes in books n°1 and n°2, quite prolonged even if not graphic in details).

7 years, 10 months ago
How about The Foxes of Firstdark by Garry J Kilworth


my favorite book
7 years, 10 months ago
It's already on the list xd  Up and on the left:  "Hunter's Moon" it's an alternate title xD (close to the other 3 books by Gally Kilworth I read). I enjoyed that book, interesting plot and fascinating points, I was a bit stunned by the role played by the white fox son toward the end: it seemed to me the author made a bit a "mockery" of the chosen-one role for him, a bit sad but well played...

Oh and I draw also a couple of fancomics i think...

6 years, 10 months ago
dont see it on that list so im going to suggest the moreau series.     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moreau_series
6 years, 10 months ago
Interesting. But basically these moreau are modified humans? they attempt or gain to act more on themselves?
(also if i understood correctly they can reproduce among themselves or it's wrong?)
6 years, 9 months ago
genetically engineered soldiers based on animals
6 years, 10 months ago
I suggest Freelance Familiars, it is a good read.
6 years, 10 months ago
I've seen some short description now and seems quite.. unique? XD mix of fantasy, but would you define it more as for teens or young adults readers?
6 years, 10 months ago
Young adult, if it had a tv rating it would be pg-13.
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