can't wait. :P I also hope you still will draw me and my milkmaid. ;) Mmm I think she would have fun between the two of us. Me plowing her, while she drinks from the udder of my sweet milkmaid stoneth.
can't wait. :P I also hope you still will draw me and my milkmaid. ;) Mmm I think she would have fun
I stumbled across your profile the other day and honestly couldn't mash the watch link fast enough, lol! On top of Amanda, you're stunning cutie of a lynx girl you've got an amazing style. I, for one, will be watching and looking forward to seeing what you've got in store for us, not just to see what you/Amanda get into content-wise but to see some more of your stellar art skills!
Gotta say, this one in particular is extremely well deserving of the "pinup" category, I'd hang a poster of this on the back of my bedroom door if I was 13 again, haha! =^u^=
I stumbled across your profile the other day and honestly couldn't mash the watch link fast enough,