Name: Apollo
Age: 5(does not age)
Home: Heart of Agarthos
Species: Sylveon
Alignment: Good
This is Apollo, he's an Agarthosian Sylveon who loves to inflate diapers, his powers come with limits, he cannot inflate his own diaper and he can only inflate diapers of those his own age or older. If that character has lived longer than five but is younger than Apollo, it is possible. He's pretty small but he's also pretty strong for he can combine disarming voice and Hyper Beam. Apollo can transform into a monster if his anger levels reach it's peak.
8 years, 9 months ago
15 Mar 2016 15:56 CET
Initial: 9a7b129699aa24b68343074c77e4dbc7
Full Size: 062228359a44b5aefa3d9f0cce4005e7
Large: 69669e445b566e5a862976f68a42cbdf
Small: 63efe160c497feda0dcd98fc2e7fc0ea
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