Character Sheet for Grill Roar
Character Description
Grill is a mighty gentleman. His treatment of the sexists could be considered sexist but he prefers to put women on a pedestal and men in the dirt and that includes himself. He's not shy of work and expects other men to be the same. He may not have that strong manners but he believes that everyone deserves respect. He can often appear to be a dumb egotistical muscle head but he's actually surprisingly good at thinking his way around a situation if it matters to him enough. He has an old friend who he adores called Dust Timepiece. To onlookers they appear to be boyfriend and girlfriend but they are actually just very old friends. Grill is a very strong believer in tradition and has even kept his outdated Heat Drive rather than adopting a more practical Plasma Drive like the rest of the town have. This has made him the subject of ridicule but any opportunity to be obviously more traditional than the rest is welcomed. For that reason he also runs the tourist information center where he can tell everyone everything he knows about the history of his people.
Grill may be very masculine but deep down he's sweet. He likes to show off his manliness and bravado but he's very respectful of women and a keen follower of rules and authority. He likes to be helpful and can be very gentlemanly at times. Brought up with a old culture he believes that women are the fairer sex and men are the providers, which can be seen as being rather sexist. However Grill sees it as an opportunity to be kind to women and for men to work hard rather the opposite. He's rarely scared and quite confident in himself. He believes it's unmanly to cry and disapproves of it. He can be surprisingly clever when he wants to be but he often rushes into opportunities to show off. A keen believer in honor he can dangerous to people who do not respect each other especially since his love for following rules prevents him from confronting many people directly. Grill is perfectly capable of finding other ways to win if it matters enough to him. He's also rather protective of Dust.
likes being kind to women, men doing hard work, people who follow rules, people who respect one another, the town of Northspark and its history and traditions and showing off, dislikes cads, uppity people, sexists (though to some degree he falls into that category), being made fun of and racists.
Grill has lived in Northspark all his life. His father and his father's father and so on have lived there for generations. He's very proud of the town he grew up in especially since nowadays they are very pro-Urgan. His family also live in the town though you may not recognize them. You see most Regen have modernized their old Heat Drives to Plasma Drives, especially since there's a rich Soul Drain crop nearby but Grill refused to give up his old hardware. He's very proud of his heritage and anything that makes him stand out as extra traditional is to be promoted. It certainly does make him stand out though it has become the subject of ridicule but Grill doesn't care. Somewhere along the line he came across Dust Timepiece and became friends. Despite many thinking that they are boyfriend and girlfriend their relationship is much closer to a strong friendship and that's as far as either wishes to go. Grill has had many jobs over the years but currently he works at the tourist information center and he loves it. Any opportunity to show off what he knows about tradition is great. And any opportunity to promote himself as being extra traditional is welcomed too.
Grill's family live in Northspark, his brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles all live nearby though some other members of the family have since moved away. Grill does live apart from them but they are always within arms reach of where he is at any given moment. He's still fairly close to them and visits them almost daily.
The Valhalor world is a mixture between real-world, fantasy and sci-fi settings with the second item being a more dominant factor. There are 8 islands in Valhalor, 5 of which are divided into multiple countries. Many years ago there was a war between the Dozers of Meka Island and the Yovans of South Island, which resulted in Valhalor being divided into 2 warring alliances. Monsterville is a country in South Island that is strongly fantasy themed, though Olrit county in particular is very much modern day. Monsterville is mostly forested and has a European look. It's home to a lot of unusual wildlife and often hazardous kinds. Diegoltun City is the main setting for the Monsterville game which this character is from. The city has a wide range of businesses from shops, craft works and restaurants to offices, entertainment and tourist attractions. There are also several smaller villages around Diegoltun and the city itself is sat next to a much larger city known as Olrit.
Grill has a dark blue metal hull with glowing red eyes and a mouth that leads to glowing red insides. On his forehead is the traditional Mekan logo in white.
Grill wears a white plastic t-shirt and shorts combo and rugged white gloves and boots.
Grill doesn't need to carry anything. His job doesn't require tools and all the software and hardware he needs is built into him. However, since he's still running on an old Heat Drive he may have to get oil on occasion.