l guess I should say that l don't mind knotty Stitch or drawing him like that. l just had someone begging me for free adult Stitch art all the time when I was starting out as a social artist. It got really annoying after a while. :/
l guess I should say that l don't mind knotty Stitch or drawing him like that. l just had someone be
Ooooh okay! No, I always offer to pay and such, like even now I'm pondering "Man, I wanna commission for a naughty Stitch doodle! XD" But yeah, people who beg for FREE stuff are bothersome, no doubt.
Ooooh okay! No, I always offer to pay and such, like even now I'm pondering "Man, I wanna commission
D'aw I see, sadly I only primary in the toon stuff, so I guess I'll have to wait for now. Though of course now I remember you did those cool Timon and Sierra doodles back for me, no wonder I dig the Stitch. XD But yeah, I guess I'll leave my own little pester then for Stitch butt. That's about. Just awesome, sexy, spread, Stitch butt. XD Anyway, you take care then, I'll keep watching for more! :3
D'aw I see, sadly I only primary in the toon stuff, so I guess I'll have to wait for now. Though of