Introducing the newest personal car from leytan electronics, the brand new draconic concord 4500, a fully electric car that can carry the whole family, this lovely little car can go over 300 miles on a single charge and is astromech droid compatible, meaning your droid can pilot it allowing it to be used by every one, even the kids with mom and dad's permission of course, perfect for picking your kids up from school, a friends house, or simply bringing them out for a nice drive just to get out of the house, its fully road legal and very safe, this model comes with pop out tables with built in cup holders for eating on the go, has a holographic entertainment system for long drives, full faux fur seating, self cleaning interior for any spills how ever large items like trash need to be picked up manually, its water tight, air tight, has tractor beam emitters in the seats to prevent the passenger form being thrown around in a crash and built in emergency kit for any accidents, and plenty of cargo space in the back, running on 4 hub less wheels powered by super electromagnet motors with magnetic suspension for a perfectly smooth ride, the inside of the car is sound proof so your drive is quiet and enjoyable with full surround sound audio system. and the base model causes just 2000 dollars earth money, or around 5000 credits, so come on down to your local dealership and buy one today. astromech not included.
8 years, 10 months ago
28 Feb 2016 22:11 CET
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