name: wheelende jack'tar
species: dalek
age: unknown.
gender: none.
job: scientist.
tools: highly advanced and sensitive sensors, large data bank stored in the head, powerful optical unit for high detail imaging and microscopic viewing, basic medical programming, higher intelligence then normal units.
personality: quirky, friendly, fascinated by new life forms and unique technology.
back story: wheelende was tasked with finding out what happened to cogsmith by recreating the events that led to his disappearance, studying the machine he was fixing and found it had broken a small hole from their universe to ours and tried reopening this scar in the worlds but that machine glitched and ripped him into the same universe to the same exact spot. but he landed on the planet organas and was surrounded by a bunch of alien life forms and he started studying them in detail.
9 years ago
28 Feb 2016 22:11 CET
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