So as the few people still actually watching me have probably already noticed, I've been pretty inactive for the better part of almost a year. I really don't mean to gripe or whine to you all, but I've pretty much fallen on hard times these past several months. It's a little hard, feeling that creative spark again, and as frivolous pursuits are concerned, video games and coffee have been just some of my anti-depressants. My newfound frustrations can best be characterized in this sketch, which may or may not be colored / finished in the near future.
Things can admittedly be far worse, and this is just the burden to bear on my shoulders in the here and now. I just worry about what comes next, and whether or not some means of deliverance might be my saving grace in the coming days. May 2016 be a better year than 2015.
9 years, 1 month ago
29 Jan 2016 02:22 CET
Initial: 7012cb10f72292dba9e0b67f85da84c7
Full Size: f52288e82b05c069e1f70edf8cfb6aa9
Large: 344ba63030648f595f18566774fa1392
Small: 341e47d24a6707d495fb299d44614b32
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