Well my dears, I guess this is the end for us. Of course that doesn't mean there aren't other fishes out there in the sea. We also don't have to worry about any sequels involving roaring sharks, so count our blessings well!...seriously, don't GILLt me on this.
It was a real pleasure working on this comic, and I enjoyed the reception it had as a whole. Sometimes it can be nice to remember how different a lot of us can be to each other, and that those differences can come together to make something cute, quirky, and unimaginable. We just need to let go and find out sometimes, right? You all take care, and oh I just wonder what We'll do next since we have so much to do still!
8 years, 12 months ago
25 Jan 2016 23:42 CET
Initial: 3e2fc7557a4a991bd13967c5564a11b3
Full Size: 6beea60ab9ca249ed428e0bc821f0156
Large: e23e9c40b8a281398368a5d68c4a2c54
Small: f688edf82d897fdaa7342231d559be07
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