Sadly as meny of you now know David Bowie passed the other day and left a lot of us very shaken up over it. It had to happen sooner or later but it's still tragic to lose sombody who had such an impact on so meny people.
for me that impact came in the form of labyrinth my favorite movie and the way it colored my likes and dislikes and how it shaped portions of my childhood and the effect those feelings had on me as a person today.
He whent by meany Names, but he will allways be Jerith to me.
and when he asked if he could use Kevin I had to say yes, it's just to personal for me, im glad i did this picture is sad but sweet and contains of the the most emotional energy i've had in my gallery.
Kevin is mine
Jerith, The Goblin king is David Bowie, Labyrinth 1986 is copywrite the Jim Henson corperation
Fuck you. They asked a simple question. I know it sucks to mourn a person and someone asks "Who?", but that doesn't give you the right to be a jerk about it. Let those who knew David Bowie mourn and leave those who don't alone.
Fuck you. They asked a simple question. I know it sucks to mourn a person and someone asks "Who?", b
What it gives anyone the right to do is to correct the person asking a deeply socially unacceptable question, so they don't make the same mistake again. I think eeveefan has learned his lesson, but I'm glad he did.
What it gives anyone the right to do is to correct the person asking a deeply socially unacceptable
I disagree with what you think is socially unacceptable. I've cried at the passing of people that others around me didn't know about and I accepted that I had to explain who they were.
I disagree with what you think is socially unacceptable. I've cried at the passing of people that ot
let me correct you and say if you don't have a nice thing to say to a person just ignore what they said and move on. seriously. and ive learned to ignore comments like yours so yeah lesson learned about ignoring people like you ^^
let me correct you and say if you don't have a nice thing to say to a person just ignore what they s
Not just David Bowie..but a horror legend...Angus Scrimm passed away as well. He is best known as "The Tall Man" from the Phantasm series. RIP both of you.
Not just David Bowie..but a horror legend...Angus Scrimm passed away as well. He is best known as "T