If you can read this message, your probably curious about who I am.
Allow me to introduce myself…
My name, is I-M(sic), and the vulpine you keep seeing in both my commissions and my work is Loki (as in, littlevulploki)
Once he was a wandering fox from a town I passed by, now he’s an emissary of my design. Able to handle resource acquisition while I tend to more, “pressing matters”
Of course, due to some slight complications with the way he behaves, most of what you’ll see here is part of his humbling journey.
(In case it wasn’t obvious, I’m sort of into diapers, diaper machines and misbehaving. I also have Asperger’s and generalised anxiety so, I might be a little weird at times)
Birth date: 26/05/2004
One of my closest buds is PinatasNPampers, he’s a nice guy
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