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So apparently...

I'm a "transphobic cunt" because I'm aware of the reality that there's only two genders and that I don't reinforce bad behavior. Seriously, my comment?


In the likely case they wuss out and delete it:

Me: So wait. Someone is an asshole for referring to a female as "her"? The fuck?

[iconname]Nullbun[/iconname]: Holy shit go away you transphobic cunt.

That feeling when calling someone by what they are is a bad thing. This kind of shit is why people are seriously considering Trump. Seriously, why are so many people going fucking insane?
Viewed: 135 times
Added: 7 years, 6 months ago
7 years, 6 months ago
Good form, old boy! Be not afraid. You have friends in all places.
7 years, 6 months ago
Bleh. What irritates me is that it seems even
blocked me, and it makes me sad to see them sucked into the crazy. :(
7 years, 6 months ago
Fuck um'. You now know who your friends are. They demand respect yet show you none. They are the Devils and the tainted people in this world. If they can't respect you for holding an opinion that differs from their own, then lop them off like a gangrenous appendage. They're not worth the effort to morn or feel remorse over. They're simply misguided and foolish, yet they cannot be helped.
7 years, 6 months ago
Did they block you over a mere disagreement, or were you also being disrespectful? There's a difference.
7 years, 6 months ago
Cos this is America. (that wasnt sarcasm)

Out of all the countries I lived it, it seems US Americans are the most aggressive about these things. It kinda concerns me.
7 years, 6 months ago
It also why I stop getting involved with communities and anything that involve several people cos stuff like this is too toxic for my psyche but now I'm rambling.
7 years, 6 months ago
Admittedly your comment was a little tackless, but not meant the way it sounded. I don't know why someone would be so angry so sudden. Dunno, SJWs scare me bro
7 years, 6 months ago
They don't scare me. About the only things that scare me are literally forces of nature. If they want to lecture me, I'll ask them if it would be more comfortable for them to go home and talk ata picture. When they accuse me of being male, well excuse me for being comfortable as the genderi was born with. When they accuse me of being white, I simply say nope. Then I'm ethnic. Then I specify, Jewish. When they say I'm privileged, I tell themi have to use credit sometimes becausei don't always have enough to buy things,  and I regularly don't get things because they're too expensive. About the only onesi can't stand are ones that will literally call the police on you because you said hello.  

I especially love wheni hear the word mansplaining, because I say that word is only used when someone is femsplaining. Or I'll say Stop femsplaining what manspreading is.  If they're especially abusive, I'll explain in graphic detail why my legs are so far apart wheni sit, how I'm fat, and there'sa little pillow of fat in the way. Except I'll graphically describe where that is. And if that's sexual harassment, why does it sound so disgusting? It's the opposite of sexual.

Sorry,  SJWs trigger me. They're about the only thing that does.
7 years, 6 months ago
Same tbh. I have family and best friends who are trans, I just had a gay marriage. I support all rights, I just hate when ppl immediately choose to play a victim from people who aren't against them, it's like people chronically needing to play a fiction. But I refuse to get involved because they make it a point of outcasting you for not adhearing
7 years, 6 months ago
No,  the really pro SJWs can find fault in every facet of every person. No exceptions. That's why they trigger me. That and "I don't care about that proof,  I'm still right!"
7 years, 6 months ago
Pretty much thid. Check out the journal - that's pretty much it in a nutshell.
7 years, 6 months ago
Should just keep your thoughts to yourself lol.  Not worth the bs it brings on, regardless of how right or wrong you are.
7 years, 6 months ago
Fuck you bitch.
7 years, 6 months ago
Whats your problem?  I don't see anything wrong with my comment, it was very middle of the road =/
7 years, 6 months ago
"If you don't like evil delusional people who are trying to make reality conform to their delusions by attacking those who actually understand reality by insinuating they are hateful bigots, well then keep your fucking mouth shut you fucking hateful bigot!"

(What nightshade89 thinks is a very middle of the road comment.)
7 years, 6 months ago
Wow, you a really bad at reading into peoples comments.  You sound just like what you are trying to make me out to be.  What I was saying was, "Why bother, its a loosing battle so one might as well pick their battles wisely to preserve oneself."
7 years, 6 months ago
" nightshade89 wrote:
Wow, you a really bad at reading into peoples comments.  You sound just like what you are trying to make me out to be.  What I was saying was, "Why bother, its a loosing battle so one might as well pick their battles wisely to preserve oneself."

1a)Wow, you a really bad at reading into peoples comments.  You sound just like what you are trying to make me out to be.

1b)What do you think I am trying to make you out to be. You are being too vague for me to be able to respond to this.

2a)Why bother, its a loosing battle so one might as well pick their battles wisely to preserve oneself.

2b)Oh hey looks like the Nazi are winning I better turn on the oven and shove my Jewish neighbor's baby in there so I can prove I am with them so they will not kill me.
7 years, 6 months ago
And as per usual you go to extremes to try to make a point.  You have a good day.  It's clear you are not going to listen and the only way to reach you would likely be to stoop to your level.  I'd rather keep my dignity though.  
7 years, 6 months ago
" nightshade89 wrote:
And as per usual you go to extremes to try to make a point.  You have a good day.  It's clear you are not going to listen and the only way to reach you would likely be to stoop to your level.  I'd rather keep my dignity though."

"Now just let me block him so it seems like he won the argument when he doesn't respond because he can't. Haha this is how ya win right guys."


Nope lol I'm too smart to be foiled by such a cowardly and simple move. You tried to shut down a conversation when it was clear you were losing the argument.

Now let us get down to brass tacks. You talk about me not wanting to listen yet you are the one who chose to block me so you wouldn't have to listen. You are a hypocrite and have no right to talk about what is morally good or bad since you lack the ability to be honest in discussion. There is a saying about choosing sides. 'It is better to be at the right hand of the devil then to be in his path.'. How could someone who follows such a philosophy ever claim to be on the right side of anything. You lack conviction. You are the worst mankind has to offer. There is not much more to say to someone like you. I think those reading can make their own opinions about how you and I have acted.
7 years, 6 months ago
Yeeeah no. I'm not the kind of person who just let's stupid/crazy slide. Especially SJW nonsense. That shit only festers and gets worse if you ignore it. And I'm also not going to discard my freedom of speech, thank-you-very-much.
7 years, 6 months ago
I can't understand people these days.
7 years, 6 months ago
I am so very proud of the furry community these days. I honestly never thought I would see the day when people would start pushing back against the insanity that is going on in the modern world. I never would have guessed the furry community would be the one of the first communities to start fighting back against this.

I love all of you. I am so proud of all of you. The future might not be as bad as I thought it was going to be. I am so very thankful for all of you. You have really made me so proud!
7 years, 6 months ago
When it comes to transgender pronouns, there is no winning except via telepathy to know exactly how whoever wishes to be addressed.

So there's simply no way to win when it comes to gender identity.  You always lose.  When there is more than 20 different pronouns for every different gender identity, your chances of choosing the correct gender pronoun for a given individual is slim to nil.
7 years, 6 months ago
Most of the transgender people I know don't bother me.  But there's one I greatly dislike, because she's one of the most narrow-minded, easily offended people I've ever met.  You mention anything regarding gender identity in front of her she'd rip your head off for it.  Doesn't matter if you're not talking about her.  Doesn't matter if you're talking about someone she's never met, you're wrong about their gender identity.
7 years, 6 months ago
Meh ... wave your dick at 'em and feed 'em fish heads because Furry Rule #1 states "Don't Stick Your Dick In Crazy".
7 years, 6 months ago
There are men and women.
Sometimes a women wants to be a man
Other times a man wishes to be a woman.

Dont pay any mind to the Marxists. You did nothing wrong
7 years, 6 months ago
Legally there are only two genders. I can accept that others wish to identify as more than that.
You know, whatever, their personal choices are as valid as my own.
Until it is legally so, there aren't more than two genders
No amount of opinionated Marxist bulldozing is going to make anyone wrong for saying so.
7 years, 6 months ago
I could care less what people identify as because to me, you're a man if you have a dick and balls or you're a woman if you have a pussy and ovaries. And it always hilarious seeing people explode over fact regarding genders.

Whats more hilarious is I lean very close to Marxism lol but sadly so many wackjobs dominant this ideology.
7 years, 6 months ago
Pretty well. You can identify how you wish. Doesn't matter to me.
Its a lifestyle I get it. Its your body, do what makes you comfortable.
Though don't roar at me or another stranger for not bothering to remember every last one of these at all times https://ageofshitlords.com/list-of-all-tumblr-genders-so-far/ plus the pronouns that may go with them, or even care what they are. Because protip, people aren't mind readers. And strangers won't give a blue fk about it.
you know?

Yes. Marxism begins using reasonable means to achieve desirable ends. But it snowballs. Sooner or later, Soviets and the worst examples of SJW you see.
7 years, 6 months ago
What does an economic model have to do with gender dysphoria, or are you merely tossing words around that you don't know the meaning of?
7 years, 6 months ago
They are not legally recognized as genders. So for now no one has to give the remotest fuck about it if they don't want to.
7 years, 6 months ago
Sure, people are free to believe, think, and feel as they wish, as they should be, but my question was what does any of that have to do with "marxism"?
7 years, 6 months ago
The very idea of social justice is actually one of the founding principles of Marxism.
In the case of the current phenomenon it has been excised from Marxism and sprinkled with gender identity/feminism/race issues ect.
It operates the same way and advocates the same principles. Only its goals are social, not concerned with economy.
Be that as it may its still a form of Communism in how it behaves in order to achieve its objectives.
7 years, 6 months ago
FYI, I wasn't defending Marxism - I'm a libertarian - nor am I any expert on Marxism admittedly, but I'm fairly certain that it has never been a proponent of LGBT rights, considering how poorly homosexuals and transsexuals have been treated in communist countries.
7 years, 6 months ago
This is true.
The Soviet Union existed from 1922 until its dissolution in 1991. Somewhere between then and now within the Feminist movement a person or group of persons adopted this concept of Social Justice from the Communists and tailored tthat into their beliefs. And it snowballed into the movement thriving this very second. Even going so far as to be taught in our colleges.
As well meaning as it is, its still Communism; that has been repackaged in even more flowery propaganda.

The ends don't justify the means. Many of the movements goals are socially desirable. However the means which they are employing is why they face such aversion. They are using a principle of Marxism to achieve their ends, not intelligently using Democracy as the Suffrage movement before them had done.
What I'm saying is that much of the SJW movement are partly Communist and aren't even aware of it.
Hence the resistance they face. As you said "considering how poorly homosexuals and transsexuals have been treated in communist countries." So its slightly oxymoronic that they have taken to this principle. However attractive the narrative may seem
7 years, 6 months ago
What methods in particular are decidedly Marxist in nature? I'm all for equality, but not at the expense of freedom. You can't have rights without freedom, and you can't have equality without rights.
7 years, 6 months ago
Well, as I said its an oxymoron platform. The decided method is the belief in social justice itself as at its core is intrinsically Marxist. As altered as it may be, its still a Marxist principle. Many of the objectives are valid. They are just using a bad politics to achieve them. In and of itself it advocates a single principle of Marxist agenda; Well meaning social intentions which unfortunately come with a helping of guilt tripping into instantly and unanimously subscribing to their perspective out of fear of instead being known as a racist, sexist, islamiphobic merely for questioning their motives alone, not the end-point objectives. Those who do only question the motives behind the desired goal are labeled an enemy of the state and of the entire movement. Stalin did the same thing. Its not the objectives or the players which cause people to feel aversion to it. Its the game that is being played to do it. They aren't using Democracy to achieve their goals. They are using a minimalist form of Communism.
7 years, 6 months ago
The Communist Manifesto to its adherents is that economic inequality is the grand injustice of the capitalist system, which must be replaced by an ideal of social justice which is a "classless" society created by the elimination of all differences in wealth and power. Justice in terms of the equal distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. Sound familiar?

7 years, 6 months ago
Here is what Marxists think they are doing http://i.imgur.com/wX9WIjI.gif
Here is what the rest of society is seeing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHomETco0MI
7 years, 6 months ago
It's still not clear how acknowledging that gender dysmorphia is an actual thing (just like the scientific community does), nor how suggesting that its possible to disagree with something without being a disrespectful,immature douchebag about makes one a Marxist. Does that make me a libertarian Marxist? How the fuck would that work?

I'm genuinely curious. Not trying to ruffle any fedoras.
7 years, 6 months ago
There is no gender dysmorphia. There is gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia.
Saying such a thing undermines the reality of gender dysphoria and marginalizes those who suffer from body dysmorphia.
It is a harmful conflation for both groups of individuals, those with gender dysphoria and those with body dysmorphia.

Body dysmorphic disorder or body dysmorphia is an anxiety disorder that causes sufferers to spend a lot of time worrying about their appearance and to have a distorted view of how they look.
Understand why even the physical aspects of gender dysphoria (sometimes called sex dysphoria to differentiate those aspects from the gender expression, cannot be compared with body dysmorphia.

And gender dysphoria is a condition where a person experiences discomfort or distress because there is a mismatch between their biological sex and gender identity. Gender dysphoria is a scientifically recognized medical condition, for which treatment is sometimes appropriate. It is however not recognized as a mental illness.

It is possible to disagree with things without being disrespectful
"You can identify how you wish. Doesn't matter to me.
Its a lifestyle I get it. Its your body, do what makes you comfortable.
Though don't roar at me or another stranger for not bothering to remember every last one of these at all times
"I can accept that others wish to identify as more than that.
You know, whatever, their personal choices are as valid as my own.
Until it is legally so, there aren't more than two genders

I quoted myself because you lack reading comprehension. The condition alone is scientifically recognized. However, the genders they identify with are not legally recognized. But that does not matter because gender dysphoria is scientific fact.
Hence a person can respect the choice because it is scientifically fact already.

It is also possible to disagree with something without having to resort to name calling and referencing mummified meme humor.
7 years, 6 months ago
You got me on the mummified meme humor, but the part about disrespect was referring to original journal post, not you.
7 years, 6 months ago
Out of curiosity, what do you define as "bad behavior"?
7 years, 6 months ago
What I meant by that in this case is basically Tumblr-tier reinforcing and glorification of mental illness.
7 years, 6 months ago
Because the DSM-5 or Jebus?
7 years, 6 months ago
Yeah I'm glad I didn't end up commissioning @Nullbun.
Crazy SJW bitch.
Gender/identity politics is cancer.

There are two genders.
Sometimes you want to be the one you're not.
Assuming people fall into the MAJORITY if CONFORMING TO THEIR OWN GENDER is not "transphobic."
That's the end of it.

PS . If I don't respect you, I'm not going to remember your special snowflake pronouns.
7 years, 6 months ago
Boy, I'm going to level with you here: This is getting old. For the longest that I can remember, you have made minimum problems all about you and unlike the people that you argue with (well except r3d but he's a different case altogether so it doesn't matter), you go out of your way to make your personal problems public businesses instead of moving on from an argument or disagreement. This isn't to be spiteful either, the evidence is right here. Look back at your journals; most of consists on you complaining about someone blocking you. I don't care about "buh it my journal ah do whatawant" because the real problem is that you mistake your own problems into everyone else's problems. Vent about one's behaviour is fine (hell I'm doing that now), calling out on someone going overboard is fine, but crying to the public about every single argument you've ever made without ever understanding why do they feel the way they do is rather childish. If anything that's what attention whores do, not reasonable adults.

What's worse? You purposely cover your ears every time you argue with someone, never look back on what you posted and proceed to tell the crowd (which I still feel is unnecessary) that they are in the wrong. This is why people would block you and with the response to that being so immature, I cannot blame them.
This journal however is even more tackless and gaushe, because not only do you bring personal drama to the public again but this journal is basically just "hey everyone look at this asshole and laugh before they bawwlete their comment, look at the journal because I think it matters to all of you". If you want others to take you more seriously then you need to act like an adult for a change. Stop sinking to immaturity like this.
7 years, 6 months ago
And just in case you are willing to listen to comments that are not blind agreements and understand what is said to you, here's my opinion about the genders thing: It's all bullshit. Tumblr is full of insecure, narcissist minors that do not pay attention to what is taught in school, there's no validation to any opinions there. It's just a different version of 8chan. The concept of genders is not made up by mindless children that go to Web MD or Buzzfeed for advise, it comes from people that have been studying biological and psychological science for decades. Not weeks, decades. Not on YouTube, on colleges. Their studies is where basic info like hereditary traits come from. That's where pronouns and transgender concepts comes from, people that are actually in gay community already knows this and it's been like that for decades. That exists. Dysphoria exists. Hermaphrodites exists, I fucked one. 2 genders said by people that do not even care about science are full of as much shit as 72 believers (them again that picture that says 72 genders was made to piss people off, it was fake all along). There is this thing called books, everyone is cookoo about things that are not even first world problems because nobody reads them.
7 years, 2 months ago
so much embarrassment ITT, reclusive furries holding back progress for all sexual minorities because political correctness is the biggest threat to them in their cozy little world
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