Hello everyone,
I am sorry to be the person to tell you this, and I really wish this was not the case; but, Makybe has passed away.
Some of you may know she recently underwent surgery for a rare type of tumor in her lung. She was doing exceptionally well, got out of the hospital early, was passing all of her tests with flying colors, and was well on her way to recouping. However, on September 20th she was having some trouble breathing; and shortly thereafter she passed away.
I know this is really hard news to take, and I'm sorry to any who have had to worry so long without contact. I wanted to get all of the information before informing everyone.
From what I've been told she did not suffer in death. They did not perform an autopsy, but are quite positive she suffered a Pulmonary Embolism. There really is nothing that they could have done to save her, and they had no way to be aware of it possibly coming on. From what I've been told, even if they were aware there was little they could have done.
The family has cremated her, and will be holding a very small service once they receive her Urn. She did not have a will, but if you are currently in possession of any items of hers please let me know via PM and I will talk with her BF IRL, who can speak with the family to see what's best to do with those items.
I loved Makybe very dearly, and have spoken with her a lot over the last year. She was a very caring person, and had so much love to give. She always told me of how happy she was, and her BF has confirmed that her last year was the happiest Makybe had ever been. I want you to know that I firmly believe that is wholly due to her friends both Online and IRL.
If you would like to talk, please let me know. I know very well how distraught this news can make a person, but I also know she would not want you moping over the loss. Instead, if you can, remember all of the good things and know that she wants everyone to be the best person they can be. However, please do not push your feelings aside; if you need to, you should let your feelings flow and not bottle them up.
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13 years, 6 months ago
01 Oct 2011 18:41 CEST