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Chapter 2 please proof read and give ideas

Sex ED with Miss Twilight Sparkle

Chapter 2 of dragon mating

inspired by Dragon Mating Season a fanfic by  King Spike Rules

[ ]s are comments and narrative seen at the bottom/top of the panel/page. ( ) means speak
{ } means thoughts

Everypony are anthro ponies with hands and feet and all the girls have giant breasts (including the Cutie Mark Crusaders just not as big as the others but they are big)


Alicorn Twilight with her hair a mess and a sexy teacher outfit that shows off a bit of cleavage laying on a teacher’s desk doing a sexy pose

Page 1:

Panel 1:

the sunsets behind Rarity’s house

[to help Spike keep his sexual urges in control the girls agree to have sex with him and Twilight has the first turn]

Panel 2:

Twilight blushes a bit as she steps out of Rarity’s house with two large bags in each arm. Rarity following closely behind her.

Twilight: (thanks for the outfits Rarity)

Rarity: (Oh it was no trouble at all darling. Bring them to me when you need them cleaned or mended)

Panel 3:

Rarity smiles and waves as Twilight’s whole face becomes red with a puff of smoke coming out from her ears

Rarity: (have a great time with him tonight Twilight)

Panel 4:

Rarity closes her door and slyly smiles

Rarity: (I know that he's going to have fun with you)

Page 2:

Panel 1:

Twilight blushing tries to calmly walk down the hoping no one notices her bags

Twilight thinking: {okay Twilight you’re almost home}

Panel 2:

Twilight reaches the golden oaks library

Twilight: (‘sigh’ made it)

Panel 3:

Twilight worried opens the door to a completely dark room

Twilight: (why is it so dark in here?)

Panel 4:

Twilight shocked turns on the lights and find books all over the floor

Twilight: (What in Equestria happened here?)

Page 3:

Panel 1:

Twilight picks up a few books on the floor as she makes her way through the room

Twilight: (why would any do this to our poor books?)

Panel 2:

Twilight is confused as she looks at the full bookshelves

Twilight: (are these even our books?)

Panel 3:

Twilight looks at the books in her hand becomes a little shocked

Twilight: (what a sec... these are the books Spike was suppose to give to Cheerilee)

Off screen: (‘sob’ ‘sob’ ‘sob’)

Panel 4:

Twilight worried, looks up the flight of stairs leading to her bedroom

Twilight: (Sp-spike)

Page 4:

Panel 1:

Twilight worried, races up the stairs

Panel 2:

Twilight slowly turns the knob and opens her bed room door

Twilight: (please let everything be okay)

Panel 3:

Twilight opens the door revealing a tall balling Spike with his regular clothing laying on her bed and talking to himself

Spike: (why is this happening?)

Twilight: (Spike)

Panel 4:

Spike with slightly watery eyes quickly turns his back to Twilight as she looks concerned

Spike: (H-how long have you been there?)

Twilight: (A minute or so...Spike, what's the matter?)

Spike: (I don’t want to talk about it)

Page 5:

Panel 1:

Spike still with his back towards Twilight begins to cry as Twilight sits on the bed and places a hand on his shoulder

Twilight: (Please, Spike I want to help)

Spike: (it all started when I went to take the books to Cheerilee)

Panel 2:

Spike walking through the streets of Ponyville heading towards the school

Spike: (what a great day)

[everything had been normal as I got closer to the school]

Panel 3:

Cheerilee and the Cutie Mark Crusaders all dressed in their Equestria Girl outfits playing in the school playground. (Scootaloo and Appleboom playing catch and Cheerilee pushing Sweetie Belle on a swing)

Scootaloo: (toss it high Applebloom)

Appleboom: (here it comes)

Sweetie Belle: (push me higher Miss Cheerilee)

Cheerilee: (alright but not too much higher)

[all that changed when I saw the girls]

Panel 4:

Spike gets a headache and holding his head

Spike: (ugh...no, no, not again)

[and I started having these thoughts]

Page 6:

Panel 1:

Spike starts ripping the girls’ clothes off

Cheerile: (‘gasp’ Spike)

[thoughts of ripping off their clothes stripping them naked]

Panel 2:

Spike starts tying up and ball-gaging the girls and the girls smile and playfully scream

Girls: (‘eeeekkk’)

[tying them up and ball-gagging them]

Panel 3:

Spike paddles Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle’s asses, the two girls have their wrists tied to their ankles, butts up in the air, ball-gagged, moaning, and have a dreamy look in the eyes

Scootaloo: (aaahh)

Sweetie Belle: (hhaah)

[spanking their asses]

Panel 4:

Spike whips Cheerile and Applebloom, the two girls are hanging from tree branches by their wrists, ball-gagged, moaning, and have a dreamy look in the eyes

Cheerile: (mmmmm)

Applebloom: (mmhhh)

[whipping them and worst of all]

Page 7:

Panel 1:

Spike having sex with Cheerile who is in a rope bondage suit with her wrist tied behind her back

Cheerile: (oh gawd Spike, yes you’re bigger and better than Big Mac aaahh)

[all I wanted to do was ravage them]

Panel 2:

Spike having sex with Sweetie Belle who is in a rope bondage suit with her wrist tied behind her back
Sweetie Belle: (oohhh please make me a real woman, fuck me like I was Rarity)

Page 8:

Panel 1:

Spike having sex with Scootaloo who is in a rope bondage suit with her wrist tied behind her back

Scootaloo: (aawww yes I feel like I’m r-really flying)

Panel 2:

Spike having sex with Applebloom who is in a rope bondage suit with her wrist tied behind her back

Applebloom: (M-miss Cheerile was right, Big Mac has nothing on you uuuhh)

[but I didn’t care all I wanted was to have sex even if I had to force and rape them]

Page 9:

Panel 1:

Back in Twilight’s bedroom Twilight looks worried as Spike he covers his face with his claws as tears ran down his face

Twilight: (D-did you?)

Spike: (No, I ran home, then came up here, and thought about what had happened)

Panel 2:

Twilight gratefully sighs as Spike looks up at her

Twilight: (‘sigh’ Oh, Spike. It's natural to have fantasies like that so long as you know when and how to act on them)

Spike: (B-b-b-but)

Panel 3:

Twilight places her hands on Spike’s shoulders as he brighten up a bit

Twilight: (Please trust me Spike, but if we need to talk more you should go and get us some snacks from Sugar Cube Corner first)

Spike: (o-okay that sounds great, be back in a few minutes)

Panel 4:

Twilight waves as the door closes

Twilight: (see ya later)

Panel 4.5:

A white cloud left behind as Twilight zips across the room

Page 10:

Panel 1:

Twilight picks up and uses her telephone

Twilight: (c’mon Pinkie pickup, pickup)

Panel 2:

a split panel of Twilight and Pinkie talking to each other on their phones

Pinkie: (hello Sugar Cube Corner)

Twilight: (Pinkie, can you distract Spike for half an hour?)

Pinkie: (Sure, but why?)

Panel 3:

a split panel of Twilight and Pinkie talking to each other on their phones, Twilight is extremely blushing

Twilight: (I need a little time to get things ready for us)

Pinkie: (Oh right. Okie Dokie Lokie I’ll keep your man busy while you get all sexy for him)

Panel 4:

Twilight’s face is red and a little steam is going out from her ears

Twilight: (now that’s done I-I guess I should start by picking my li-lingerie and set up the camera)

Page 11:

Panel 1:

Twilight standing sexily posing in Twilight lingerie 1

Panel 2:

Twilight standing sexily posing in Twilight lingerie 2

Page 12:

Panel 1: (half of the page)

Twilight standing sexily posing in Twilight lingerie 3

Twilight: (so hard to decide)

Panel 2:

Twilight blushing

Twilight: (maybe he’ll find it sexier if I didn’t wear any underwear)

Panel 3:

Twilight smiles, blushing, cups her cheeks, and gently shakes her head

Twilight: (I’m beginning to think I’m the one in heat, but I need to stop and get ready, Spike will be back soon)

Page 12:

Panel 1:

Spike walks the dark night streets of Ponyville as he rubs his stomach

Spike: (Man, why did Pinkie Pie have me try every treat they had?)

Panel 1.5:

Spike belches

Panel 2:

Spike reaches the library and opens the door

Spike: (Twilight I’m back)

Panel 3:

Spike is confused as he enters the library, everything is clean and the lights were a little low. In the middle of the room is a large bag with his name and a note on it

Spike: (why are the lights so low and what’s this bag)

Panel 4:

Spike picks up the bag and reads the note

Spike: (Dear Spike, I know you've been having trouble with these thoughts, and I want to help. Please put on this costume and proceed upstairs. Twilight)

Panel 4.5

Spike is shocked and confused as he looks in the bag

Spike: (huh?)

Page 13:

Panel 1:

Spike walks up the steps wearing a large black leather jacket over a white t-shirt, blue jeans, black belt, and black boots

Spike: (I wonder why she wanted me to wear this?)

Panel 2:

Spike reaches the bedroom door with a sign that read, 'Knock First.' on it

Spike: (okay...)

Panel 3:

Spike knocks on the door

coming from the door: (Come in)

Panel 4:

Spike is curious as he slowly opens the door

Spike: (Twilight)

Page 14:

Twilight sexily leaning at a teachers desk wearing a light blue work jacket over a white blouse as both hugged her body tight, a matching skirt, dark blue lace thigh high stocking, and light blue heels. Her hair is tied back in a ponytail and wearing her reading glasses.

Off screen: (Ummm, T-twilight?)

Page 15:

Panel 1:

Twilight smiles as she points at a chair opposite her

Twilight: (Yes, Mr. Spike. Please have a seat)

Panel 2:

Spike take the seat and looks at her with a confused look as she looks at him with a very stern look in her eyes

Twilight: (You do know why I asked you down here)

Spike: (Ummm, no)

Twilight: (Oh, don't play dumb)

Panel 3:

Twilight with a stern look on her face looks Spike right in the eye who has a sly smile

Twilight: (You get caught having sex with the gym teacher, Miss Rainbow Dash and you don't know why you’re here)

Panel 4:

Spike with a cocky look on his face quickly leans back in his chair and places his boots on the desk and Twilight has a slight smile

Spike: (Come on baby. She was asking for it with those tight shorts and a shirt that shows her hard nipples)

Page 16:

Panel 1:

Twilight gently wacks Spike boots on the desk

Twilight: (You, young punk. Get your boots off my desk and show me some respect)

Panel 2:

Spike quickly stands up and Twilight is a little scared

Panel 3:

Spike walks towards Twilight, Twilight starts walking backwards

Spike: (Ha, why should I?)

Twilight: (B-b-because I'm in charge of you)

Panel 4:

Twilight backs up against the wall and Spike places his clawed hand against the wall

Spike: (You. Your in charge of nothing)

Twilight: (S-step back or I'll...)

Page 17:

Panel 1:

Spike deeply kisses a shocked Twilight

Panel 2:

Twilight kisses him back as Spike gently fondles her right breast and undoes her hair from the ponytail

Panel 3:

the two separate from the kiss Twilight starts moaning as Spike continues to fondle her breast

Spike: (Hmmm, you didn't resist me)

Panel 4:

Spike grabs the middle of Twilight’s jacket

Spike: (now let’s see your hidden assets)

Page 18:

Panel 1:

Spike pops the buttons and rips the jacket open unleashing her naked breasts and stares at them as Twilight blushes and acts meekly now naked from the waist up

Spike: (Oh, look at this)

Twilight: (D-don't look)

Spike: (Why not?)

Panel 2:

Spike begins to fondle both breasts as Twilight moans

Spike: (You have a beautiful body and you need to show it off)

Panel 3:

Twilight continues to moan as Spike squeezes and pulls on her breasts

Twilight: (aawww P-please s-stop)

Spike: (you say stop but your body keeps screaming more, more)

Panel 4:

Spike crouches down and stares at Twilight’s breasts as he pressing them together

Spike: (and I’m more inclined to listen to your body)

Page 19:

Panel 1:

Spike begins to suckle on Twilight’s right breast and squeezes and pinches the left one as Twilight moans

Twilight: (aaahh)

Panel 2:

Spike begins to suckle on Twilight’s left breast and squeezes and pinches the right one as Twilight moans

Twilight: (oohhh gawd)

Panel 3:

Spike trails his tongue down Twilight’s stomach grabbing the sides of her skirt

Twilight: (wh-what are you doing aaaww)

Panel 4:

Spike pulls down Twilight’s skirt leaving her with nothing but her stocking on

Spike: (I’m bad when you weren’t wearing any underwear. Oh, naughty girl)

Page 20:

Panel 1:

Spike starts licking Twilight’s pussy as she moans

Twilight: (yes, yes Spike)

Panel 2:

Spike gently blows on Twilight clit

Twilight: (Spike don’t tease)

Panel 3:

Spike starts licking Twilight’s clit while she has a dreamy look in her eyes

Twilight: (aaahh... where did you learn how to pleasure a woman)

Panel 4:

Spike starts suckling Twilight’s clit while she has a dreamy look in her eyes and fondles her own breasts

Twilight: (oohhh...n-never mind, I don’t care, just please d-don’t stop)

Page 21:

Panel 1:

Spike suckling Twilight’s clit while she has a dreamy look in her eyes, her right hand fondles her own breasts and licking her nipple, her left hand grabbing Spike’s head to keep him in place

Page 22:

Panel 1:

Spike tries to force himself up but Twilight tries to keep him down

Twilight: (please Spike don’t stop, I’m almost there)

Spike: (uhn-uhn Miss Twilight)

Panel 2:

Spike fully standing up and pointing down is looking a smiling, blushing, and shy Twilight in the eye

Spike: (you want your reward, you have to earn it)

Panel 3:

Twilight blushes and kneels down and starts unbuckling and unzipping his pants

Twilight: (al-alright)

Panel 4:

Twilight pulls down his pants to reveal his long stiff dragon cock

Twilight: (Oh, your such a punk)

Page 23:

Panel 1:

Twilight starts kissing Spike’s cock and balls

Panel 2:

Twilight licks up and down Spike’s cock as she look up lustfully

Panel 3:

Twilight blows the head of Spike’s cock as she look up lustfully

Spike: (n-now who’s teasing)

Panel 4:

Twilight sucks Spike’s cock as she look up lustfully

Page 24:

Panel 1:

Twilight grabs Spike’s butt as she deepthroats his cock and Spike moans and grabs the back of Twilight’s head

Spike: (Twi-twilight you really know how to use your tongue, I-I’m so close)

Page 25:

Panel 1:

Spike cums in a pleasantly shocked Twilight’s mouth as she deepthroats him

Spike: (I’m cumming)

Panel 2:

Twilight with Spike’s cock in her mouth as she shallows his cum

Twilight: (mmm...)

Panel 3:

Twilight smiles as Spike’s squirts cum on her face and tits

Twilight: (oh Spike)

Panel 4:

Twilight uses her hands to clean and lick the cum off her tits

Twilight: (I hope there’s more)

off screen: (there is)

Page 26:

Panel 1:

Spike scoops up a surprised Twilight as she wraps her arm around his neck

Twilight: (whoa)

Panel 2:

Twilight has her legs around Spike’s waist deeply kissing him and ripping his shirt and jacket off as Spike has one arm around Twilight’s waist cleaning the desk off with the other

Panel 3:

Spike and Twilight deeply kissing each other as he places her butt on the desk and she tosses his shirt and jacket off to the side

Panel 4:

Twilight lays on the desk as Spike has his cock rubbing against her pussy and whispers in her ear

Spike: (Are ready for a pop quiz?)

Twilight: (Yes, I-I am)

Page 27:

Panel 1:

Spike starts fucking Twilight

Twilight: (oohhh yes Spike make me a woman)

Panel 2:

Spike fucks Twilight as she wraps her arms him raking his back

Twilight: (please Spike faster fuck me harder)

Panel 3:

Spike fucks Twilight harder and faster as she wraps her arms and legs around him

Twilight: (I-I’m so close)

Panel 4:

Spike continues to fuck Twilight as she cums

Twilight: (OOHHHH, SPIKE )

Page 28:

Panel 1:

Spike fights cumming again as he continues to fuck Twilight

Spike: (Twi-Twilight I’m close)

Twilight: (p-please Spike let’s finish on the b-bed)

Spike:(I’ll try)

Panel 2:

Spike continues to fuck and kiss Twilight  as he lift her up off the desk grabbing her ass, Twilight kisses back as she wrap her arms and legs around him

Panel 3:

Spike continues to fuck Twilight grabbing her ass as he sits on the bed

Spike: (made it)

Twilight: (Spike)

Panel 4:

Twilight gently lays him down on the bed and whispers in his ear

Twilight: (it is my turn to pleasure you)

Page 29:

Panel 1:

Twilight fucks Spike as he lays on the bed

Spike: (oh Twilight)

Panel 2:

Twilight fucks Spike as he lays on the bed as grabs Twilight’s tits

Spike: (can’t let you do all the work)

Panel 3:

Twilight licking her nipples and fucks Spike as he lays on the bed grabbing her tits

Spike: (I can’t stand it, it’s too hot)

Panel 4:

Twilight keeps fucking Spike as he grabs her waist

Spike: (Twi-Twilight. I'm g-going to...)

Twilight: (I-I know Spike, cum in me. Go ahead, I cumming too)

Page 30:

Panel 1:

Twilight and Spike fucking each other as they cum together

Both of them: (AAAAHHH)

Page 31:

Panel 1:

Twilight and Spike separate and collapse on the bed exhausted, smiling, and panting

Panel 2:

Twilight and Spike on the bed exhausted, smiling, and panting

Twilight: (that...was...amazing)

Panel 3:

Spike turns to face Twilight as she giggles

Spike: (So, what now?)

Twilight: (What do you mean?)

Panel 4:

Twilight lays on top of Spike snuggling real close

Twilight: (We snuggle and go to bed)

Spike: (I’d like that)

Page 32:

Panel 1:

Spike and Twilight snuggling and kissing each other as Spike has one hand fondling her tits and the other her ass and Twilight fondles his cock and balls

[Twilight time over]

Back cover 1:

Celestia naked on the bed masturbating watching the tv as a wide-eyed, shocked and blushing Luna wearing a dark blue version of Celestia’s see through gown is right behind her
Celestia: (damn it Twilight, why did I have to agree to it and not have Spike here to fuck me?)

Luna: (that’s exactly what I want to know sister)

Back cover 2:

Rarity kneeling on a bed holding a riding crop wearing an all blue leather dominatrix outfit, mask, and cap (see Mimi La Floo in girls night out for example)

[to be continued in the next chapter how to discipline your dragon]
Viewed: 588 times
Added: 10 years, 1 month ago
10 years, 1 month ago
Rarity: (No problem darling. Bring them to me when you need them cleaned)
Remember Rarity is pomfy in her speech. So instead of  "No problem" You might try "Oh it was no trouble at all"
Twilight: (‘sigh’ Oh, Spike. It's natural to have fantasies like that so long as you know when and how to act on them if ever)
Remove "if ever"
Twilight: (Please trust me Spike but if we need to talk more I say you go and gets us some snacks from Sugar Cube Corner first)
(Please trust me Spike, but if we need to talk more you should go and gets us some snacks from Sugar Cube Corner first)
10 years, 1 month ago
thank you and can you please go to twilight's hairstyle and vote for what will appear here
10 years, 1 month ago
10 years, 1 month ago
took me a while but now i get it and i hope this means you like what will come soon in the series
10 years ago
Ohh my... I cant wait to see this in a comic. Also I want to see what things Rarity has prepared for Spike ;)
10 years ago
liked it that much but unfortunately we must wait till the first is over
9 years, 10 months ago
go to my journals now for chapter 3
10 years ago
Okay, quick question...

Why doesn't Spike get horny over Pinkie Pie?  Other than you not wanting him to fuck her this chapter, I mean?
10 years ago
he can't contorl when his urges comes and goes but he will be horny for pinkie pie soon ooh brother will he
10 years ago
I don't think she'll have any trouble dealing with that . I'd put money on Spike  not being able to handle her, actually.
9 years, 7 months ago
I think that Pinkie Pie would use lots of sex puns teasing , and mocking spike, but at the end Spike would discover that she is insatiable.
9 years, 7 months ago
In the page 2 of the comic Twilight  apears carriying two large bags in each arm (my favorite page so far); she looked amazingly cute and sexy, looking that beutiful chest. It would be great if every page had images like that, even if there is not "action" in it.
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