Something odd I noticed.
First, an anecdotal story that might illustrate the point:
A while back, I was obsessed with Homestuck, and in particular, Jade Harley. I tracked down quite a bit of art (porn) of her. After a while, something happened; my impression of her changed. She had gone from being an interesting character to a one-dimensional piece of flesh.
From what I hear, this is similar to what happened to Lara Croft; She was designed as a strong, independent female, but the sexual way she was presented and marketed outside of the canon mediums has had an effect on how she is perceived.
This is interesting because it happens in furry art too. While I do like the porn, does furry really need to make everything about sex? My reason for bringing this up is that the exhibitionism of a lot of furry art creates impressions, not just to the outside world (which is not what this is about), but to people in general trying to glean the character of your character.
How can anyone take your character seriously, as anything more than a slut, otherwise?
I guess it might be different if there was an engaging narrative behind it, but usually if there is one, it's the plot of a cheap porno.
Again, I'm not saying we need to completely abolish pornsonas; just that for a serious character, what you put out into the Internet with him/her has an influence in how the character is received. This isn't a problem for characters that really are one-dimensional meat, but more involved stories require careful cultivation to create the intended persona. And for porn artists, anyone who has read a visual novel knows how much more deep and meaningful the erotic parts can be when the character has been fleshed out (pun) over the previous parts of the story.
After all, the arts are fundamentally a means of communication. What message are you communicating?
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11 years, 7 months ago
21 Aug 2013 05:10 CEST