I get that America is supposed to be the world's melting pot of cultures. I'm fine with that. I understand fandoms, and how people can derive enjoyment from them.
But, is anyone else but me sick of all these non-asian Americans trying to pretend that they're Japanese? Most of the chatrooms I find myself in average about a 1/3 full of japanese sounding names. Everywhere I go to try to find art I'm assaulted by "senpai," "Kawai," etc. I may be alone in this, but it almost seems as culturally insulting as white people in "blackface."
Unless you're actually Japanese, it's extremely unlikely that you'll ever work on an anime or get a manga published. In America, you're not going to get a job as an artist with a portfolio full of Anime characters. This is fine if you're only doing this as a hobby and never intend to pursue art as a career.
I guess I would just love to see more people exploring other styles and cultures. There's an entire world out there full of inspiration to draw from!
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12 years, 1 month ago
11 Feb 2013 16:55 CET