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F.A.  Thoughts...

I've been thinking on creating an account there and maybe post something(well...  after reading their submission policy I've changed my mind... >__> ) and get some more audience to my works,how about that?

Well, since there is nearly nothing I can post there and probably the only things it could provide me is watching Artists that don't have a IB account and paste a link to my InkBunny account I am kinda thinking it will worth the work or not  -___- ...
Viewed: 44 times
Added: 11 years, 4 months ago
11 years, 4 months ago
For all the things wrong with FA, it still has a large population of artists. I'll just leave my comments at that, since I have nothing further good to say on the topic.
11 years, 4 months ago
Yeah, and I heard these stuff about FA like douchebaggy staff and crude people everywhere.

But the thing is, a lot of artists I really like ho have an account here just post things that aren't allowed on FA, but I want to see all their works ,and some other artists don't even have an account here at all,and this thing really pisses me off!  >__<
11 years, 4 months ago
Yes, which is why a lot of us still have FA accounts. We just don't use it for anything other than viewing other artists.
11 years, 4 months ago
I post my stuff at FA and I dont have big problems
cute art is not nessesarily cub, so Im fine for now
and you still can draw rule 34 of stuff if not go aganish the rules too
11 years, 4 months ago
It is because all my works look cubby, that's the problem... .-.

I am thinking to make (after learning how to...) furries ho look older in the future but that is plans for a distant future.

For now on I have some other works to finish...
11 years, 4 months ago
Cubs are still allowed on FA as long as it's PG.
11 years, 4 months ago
11 years, 4 months ago
Not mature or adult. As in no nudity, or suggestive material.
11 years, 4 months ago
But anyway I don't see any reason to upload something something there that I can post on IB as well...
11 years, 4 months ago
My suggestion is to post your works and let the admins decide if they violate policy or not. I'm not a huge fan of FA, but there's no denying that the user population is absolutely massive and it absolutely will magnify your fan following. If that's something you're interested in, take the plunge.

Worst case scenario, you have to remove your art and you might get banned, but if you can't post your art there's not much point in having an account anyway outside of following other artists.
11 years, 4 months ago
It is an option but I would hate being banned .-.

(and LOL there is already an artist there named "Puggy" but it has been years since he submitted anything)
11 years, 4 months ago
I think its totally up to you if you want to upload at two sites.

FA is ancient and powerful, but not as user friendly.

I love Ink Bunny, but its population is a lot less.

I notice both sites have a bit of drama.

If worst comes to worst, you can simply withdraw from FA, it wouldn't be the end of the world - ontop of that, if you got popular on FA and had to leave, they'd probably come here to keep up with you anyway.

If you have cub related stuff that FA wouldn't allow, simply crop out a face shot and link your IB version of the submission - I'm fairly sure that is allowed since you'd have to log into this site to see it at all.

If it was me? I'd just make an FA and go for it. I like having full access. I don't participate in drama, so I don't care about what people say about FA being "shitty" or "going downhill", because I literally don't get effected by it.
11 years, 4 months ago
Hum... yuo sure gave me Ideas...  lots of GOOD Ideas....   and I could make just like
when she submit an hentai pic with humans here, I could make this sillouette technique like in this submission from her >> https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=311554
11 years, 4 months ago
They will probably still delete the pic if you do that, they don't like you linking to it even. It really is a pretty lame website.
11 years, 4 months ago
really? damn,it looked like a fail-proof idea... .-.

I need to think on something else...
11 years, 4 months ago
I see people link on FA to Inkbunny ALLLLL the time - I doubt you'll have any issues.
11 years, 4 months ago
I left FA over a year ago, and while I miss some of the artists I used follow.. there's far less asshats and drama in my life now.  I for one am never going back to that cesspool.
11 years, 4 months ago
I can Imagine, we here have restrictions as well,but these restrictions end up not bothering us at all ^^
11 years, 4 months ago
They don't allow cub art so yeah lool
11 years, 4 months ago
And this is the story of my life....

Oh and by the way, I just LOVED your avatar *__*
11 years, 4 months ago
Thank you :3
11 years, 4 months ago
Is it from an animation or something?

It looks like it is from a good stop-motion video....
11 years, 4 months ago
Unfortunately, I have never met a person to know what the hell this adorable thing is. And I really wanna find out haha.
11 years, 4 months ago
I actully seen cub art on FA before AND after any AUP change. They stay up there 'hidding on site' due to low views and faves and how tolerable the watchers are (but mostly low views). Oh yeah there's still this adult 9 page comic of mlp spike with around 2000 views and 200 faves per page.
11 years, 4 months ago
Really? Huh. Well I don't search for cub stuff on there anyways haha.
10 years, 12 months ago
Srsly, the level of hypochrisy in FA is TOO DAMN HIGH!
11 years, 4 months ago
Actually, some of my work got removed because the FA staff 'thought' that the characters were underaged because they were drawn in a cutesy style, even though the characters are technically adults. I've had some pics removed that I drew 2 to 3 years ago so it just matters on an Admin by Admin basis I think. =/
You can always try I guess. =3
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