i seen a video before of people buying out stocks of pokemon cards and camping out at machines to just drain them of everything they have. it isnt just consoles these scalping pieces of shit are going for anymore, its literally anything they can exploit for money. they do this with pokemon cards cause they know people want them and they know people are competitive with them. they go and buy out the stocks and sell them back online for double, triple or even 10 times the price of the stores. this was the same thing that happened with the nes classic, the snes classic, ps5 and other systems. hell this even happens with graphics cards. they will go and buy out the stocks and resell them for a ridiculous amount. funnily enough i seen people selling ps5s at the time they came out on ebay and whatnot for 1 million dollars. yes they were pulling a fucken doctor evil from austin powers.
i myself do get pokemon cards occasionally and when i was at my local store a while back taking a look at the cards i seen some people giving me the stink eye and giving me a "pissed off" look. i even seen some dudes eyeballing the cards and whatnot they had at the store. they had some pokemon cards in a generic repackaged box which was 25 cards for like 10 bucks or something but i didnt get any, still its either they think that im weird getting cards at my age or they think im some kind of scalper. i hate scalpers more then anything and the sad thing is i wanted to buy some pokemon cards but the shelves were completely dry minus those generic boxes of random cards.
i seen videos of people fighting like mindless gorillas over boxes of pokemon cards, shoveling 10 - 20 boxes of them into their carts to buy and sell online for an inflated price. hell i seen videos of people shaming well known scalpers who camp machines to drain them of all the stock of cards to. something needs to be done about this shit cause its really getting out of hand and its absolutely shameful to see people acting like this. we dont have those pokemon card pack machines here but i imagine if they were here we would have to put up with the same thing. hell its already happened with ps5's and ps4's as well as the nes classic and snes classics.
all in all people please dont buy these card packs or anything like that from scalpers, dont support their bullshit. if they want more money they can get off their incompetent asses and work more hours.
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1 week, 5 days ago
14 Mar 2025 04:14 CET