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I'm about to type a dangerous sentence,
Here goes,
I need your opinion on something...

Why do you think people inside and outside of the furry fandom find animals attractive, Particularly canine?

Do you think it's because of the unique coevolution we have had with some animals?
Or just the propagation and influence of an established community?
Or Is it just purely we are all degenerate furries that have magnetized to a perverted outlet?  

I'm sure there are some smart people out there who can find psychological studies with some level of citation with some level of evidence. I could ask ChatGTP a dynamic question like this but I think it's a very human question to begin with and I can't trust AI not to spurt out biased data.

Let me say this now, My trigger finger is ready on the delete comment button Because a large amount of you want to twist this journal into something else.
NO, I don't own a dog.
NO, I do not participate in bestiality.
NO, there is a big difference between fucking IRL kids and drawing dog dicks for a living. (yes that's vague, But people will attempt to segway minor attraction into this journal)
NO, I'm not aligning myself with zoophiles.
PLEASE, don't PM me regarding the topic with a creepy story.
NO, I don't need to know if you're a zoophile, That is not the point of this journal.

I will be deleting this journal in the near future because IB is an incredibly toxic place these days.

Also if you are a creeper artist who doesn't watch me but has some weird fucking beef with me, I'll be instantly blocking, deleting, and reporting you, I'm sure these particular artists will be sending hordes of their gooner fan-base minions at me regardless :)

To summarise, it just feels so crazy to me how many people out there draw cartoon animal genitalia for a living, and more so that the consumer base has practically made an industry.





Viewed: 1,065 times
Added: 1 week, 2 days ago
1 week, 2 days ago
Id imagine its the closeness to them and our interpretation of cuteness.
Throughout history animals have been associated with humans through zodiacs, folk tales, totems, spirit guides etc
I guess there's a lot of comparisons between us and animals, who are in the cage, who are the wise, what rights should each thing have.
We enjoy love and affection, we love power, we love developing, changing, considering options, and I guess the idealisation of an animal of admiration while retaining or gaining on the abilities we currently posses is a driving factor.
1 week, 2 days ago
Well most anthros have human anatomy features like curvature and facial features such as the eyes. Breasts or genitalia that are somewhat humanoid can trigger responses to the brain.
Potentially the fondness of a furry character that is naked and visible genitalia could be the link between liking an animal because, as humans we look after or spend time enjoying company/studying them and the body shapes and proportions of a human which triggers neurological effects to the brain of that has a sexy body, breasts, penis or vagina.
That's my personal take, and perhaps one explanation for what I believe could be a reason for enjoying furry artwork.
1 week, 2 days ago
i'm sure that's because of coevolution with dogs, we always had dogs all our history. We started with guarding herds, then they become house companions, status symbols and now we treat dogs like part of our family
1 week, 2 days ago
Well... it's hard to give you an answer. I mean, in my personal opinion, I think that there're several reasons if we find animals attractive (and because of that we create a furry character).
Starting with cartoons, videogames and similar with the crossing with the famous "rule 34".
But maybe/mainly because it allow us to unleash our fantasy in terms of sexual practices while remaining in legality.
1 week, 2 days ago
I believe this is due to the pandemic of loneliness that affects the entire world. We have been pushed to live in such a petty and individualistic way that it has broken us as a society even in the intimacy of love.

I think of it from the point of view of constant rejection and dislike among people (you are of another color, another country, another weight, height, religion, different education, etc). On the other hand, you have an animal that has adapted to coexist with our species and, as long as you satisfy its needs, it will worship you like a god.

Btw: gay bird
1 week, 2 days ago
nuh-uh!! Your gay!
1 week, 2 days ago
i guess canine are comfort for people like me, like me on down day and my dog will try brighting me up by licking my face or sitting on my feet.
1 week, 2 days ago
Yea its weird how dogs are the default but I guess like most dogs, cats or other stuff can just be a comfort animal. Like how this is hard to make a unique furry oc so many just start with something simple.
1 week, 2 days ago
I'd say it's many factors.  Undoubtedly coevolution is part of it as humans and canines are tied at an instinctual level at this point.  Likely cultural as well since canines are so pervasive in media and story in so many forms.

They're kind of spiritual companions to humans at this point.  It's difficult to disentangle that when they feel like such a natural aspect of human life.  Only natural it would bleed into other aspects of it or at the very least not feel as egregious.
1 week, 2 days ago
Based on my own studies, it starts with what we started with. Foxes and wolves are common because of the Robin Hood and Starfox fandoms, then people making their own adjacent personae. Then it spreads from there. Some people find theirs differently, like me with fennecs because I loved how they looked. As for the precursors... Wolves and foxes are easy to draw, but also every kid knows about them. Same for tigers, bears, and so on. It's the whole Disney/Warner Brothers anthropomorphization trend.

Humans are really good at copying each other, because it's how they fit in with groups, it's how they, as social animals, end up surviving and working together. Being alone hurts, so you do stuff that will be related to by others.
1 week, 2 days ago
Most furry characters are really very, very human. They add all the human traits that our brain associates with sexiness to the body that ends up being 95% human with an odd skin color and muzzle/beak on a face that is also more human than other animal. With how our brains perceive drawings, we simply don't really feel the difference.

Now ferals, monsters and actually animalistic characters are an interesting case. But I still mainly blame censorship and bullshit morals.
1 week, 2 days ago
I honestly can't say why. I think personally it's because of the fact that I grew up with a dog my entire life until recently. That bond that humans in general have with animals, and then add in the forbidden aspect of it, just means living out fantasies. For myself, I much prefer the animal dicks over human when it comes to furry art.

To add to another aspect though, this isn't just a furry thing. Look at popular romance books that "normies" read. It's very, very common to have anatomically correct werewolves, or other monsters, as the main smut interest. This just seems to be something that humans for the most part have as "oh, this is so forbidden to do IRL, but damn is it hot to fantasize about".
1 week, 2 days ago
The human mind likes association, symbolism and imagination.  A great deal of us who ended up in the furry fandom began with our time as kids seeing some kind of tv show, book or movie that likely depicted cartoon forms of animals either anthropomorphic or not (Robin Hood, Star Fox, Lion King, The Secret of NIMH, Paw Patrol, Zootopia,)  These stories exist because culturally for thousands of years we've used animals as a means to convey a more easily accessible view on the human or natural condition.  Zootopia can talk about issues of segregation and racial profiling.  Beastars can cover topics of segregation and sexual predation.  To a lesser extent Star Fox can go on about imperialism and conquest and Lion King can talk about duty and obligation.

For us who watched these growing up, we weren't making a literary critique of them, but taking in the characters.  And we liked animals as we grew up.  Their form was different.  It had beauty and uniqueness.  As all kids do, they wanted to assimilate these properties into their identity. So we imagined as we got older what we would be as that animal being, on two legs or four, with even more wild qualities or something very similar.  Cute or ferocious.  Powerful or playful.

And as we began to grow as sexual beings when our bodies matured that assimilation of anthro or animal identity also began to shape our concepts of sexual attraction.  It gave us concepts of what were pleasing, attractive and arousing forms of body shape, contours, genetalia, etc.

As all people are unique all these factors were stronger in one area and diminished in another, but that should give a general idea as to where attraction comes from for animal forms.  For canines specifically I can only imagine it boils down to it being one of the major animals that is kept as a close companion.  I wouldn't understand myself why someone would formulate an attraction to an actual IRL canine.  I can understand the drawn form because the drawn form is often idealized in proportion and presentation.  The only guess I have is that again those close bonds between people and canines can begin to formulate physical attraction as is an occurance in the bonds between people and people.
1 week, 2 days ago
Canids are cute, and the family of animals people are the most familiar with along with felines. And cute + sex = win.
1 week, 2 days ago
i simply don't find irl humans attractive i like cartoon humans but that's as far as i draw the line, dogs, cats, mice, rats and just about any critter out their have far more aesthetic appeal its as simple as that for me and goats are probably my favorite animal of them all
1 week, 2 days ago
Dogs are the OG domesticated animal, they have many human traits and everyone who have owned a dog will tell you they have "personality" and "human characteristics"
They are also pack animals and thus mesh better with humans than cats do, who are more aloof (in general, mine is a snugglebug when she wants to lol)
Combine that and you have an animal that most people have experience with, more than half of people have owned at some point give or take and which has been a companion animal of our species for tens of thousands of years

So in that regard they are perfect for anthromorphication.
1 week, 2 days ago
i'm not specially fond of canines, so i will try to give a more generic answer, i think related also to people outside the fandom ...
for me the «furry» attraction is finding the animals that still lives in us, the instinct, the behaviour of a feral critter.
and that in many ways, not only sexually, behavior and istincts are as important for me.
i don't have a furry persona because i don't associate myself with one particular specie, at the lowest level is the «beast feel» in me that works and make me appreciate animal behaviour and instincts. (allow me a personal note: i wish that inkbunny artists sill depict more those traits)
for this reason i'm not attracted to works depicting (or writing about) human / too little beastly or thinly disguised humans characters.
and i'm NOT a zoophile, i've no interest in that human/feral kink.
my impression is monetizing this is similar to other behaviours, physical or cultural, that fall under the «i can make money from this!» destiny.
1 week, 2 days ago
This seems very out of nowhere? As for me? Not my damn problem. I guess because dogs are easier to connect to people?

Look, I just woke up and shit. I don't fucking know.

Never owned a dog, don't care to own a pet anytime soon, period. I do know my family long ago owned a cat. She was the smartest and human-like cat ever. Human-like in she thought and acted like a person. She was VERY aware of everything and tolerated no shit. This was long before I was born.

But I digress.

Now if you'll excus me, I'mma browse some shit.
1 week, 2 days ago
Because humans like things that fulfill the 4 Fs in life: fighting, fleeing, feeding, and fucking. Humans have strove to tame or domesticate the things that have the potential to fulfill those needs, and if they can fulfill multiple Fs...even better! That's just being efficient from an evolutionary standpoint.

Human society can pretend that it is disgusted by or above base drives, but at our cores we're all just bone mecha with meat armor that are piloted by desires and biological imperatives. This is why you'll find porn of just about everything, both inside and outside of the furry fandom: it's our way of coping with the Fs from a psychological perspective when they aren't immediately present.
1 week, 2 days ago
I had never heard of the 4 F's before, It Does sound like a simple explanation to the firmware for most living things for sure (apart from germs and fungi)
1 week, 1 day ago
Oh it's definitely a simplification, maybe overly so. Maslow expounds further on the subject of human needs/desires, but the primary/base drives (4 F's) make up the foundation of his pyramid of needs. Once those needs are met, we start seeking out things higher up the pyramid.

As far as attractions go, I'd attribute it to envy. Admiration is identification of qualities we wish we had, whether first or secondhand. We then seek to acquire those qualities for ourselves to meet our perceived needs. Fursonas in a nutshell: embodying the traits we see as superior to our reality that we would love to have for ourselves.
1 week, 1 day ago
Now that I think about it, I wouldn't mind having repetitive orgasms for 10 minutes or more 6__6
Dam, dogs are selfish, where the hell is my 10-minute orgasm -^-
1 week, 1 day ago
Be the change you wish to see in the world! All it takes is a team of scientists, a mountain of dosh, and the ethical flexibility to do biohacking. XD
1 week, 1 day ago
I'll get to work on the gofundme, you get to work on the biohacking
1 week, 2 days ago
Dog funny, haha , dog cute
1 week, 2 days ago
1 week, 2 days ago
Because our dumb 'animal' brains recognize certain parts as "sexual" organs and imagine them in use is my guess.
1 week, 2 days ago
Probably the same reason why many people like anime cat girls over normal anime girls, it's exotic, and cute. A lot of people are attracted to cute.
1 week, 2 days ago
Based on my studies of psychology i wonder if it has to do with human's tendency to use animal symbolism as a mask between the conscious and the subconscious, or between themselves and the real-world interaction. Culturally, we've seen it for almost all of recorded history that man enjoys pretending to be an animal for artistic and recreational purposes, and I think that's because escapism and play are hard-baked into our biology. I think it's only natural that would appeal to our sexual appetite as well, and I imagine that furry's interests in animalistic genitalia probably occupies the same part of the brain as, like, normies fetishes for animal print and, like, furs and bearskin rugs and shit like that. There's something exotic and "different" about it to the human brain without crossing the threshhold of taboo into things like zoophilia.

I also think there's another aspect of it with queer identity where animalistic aesthetics offer a less vulnerable means of playing out our sexual desires. I honestly feel like the interest in animalistic genitalia in art sits in the same part of the brain as, like, the rest of furry. Taking a step back, it's not any less weird be horny for "man but he has a dog snout" or "man but he has paws/tail" than it is "man but his dick's a dog dick". They're all inherently """zoophilic""" in the loosest sense but not objectively zoophilic in that they are all clearly desiring MAN over ANIMAL. There is still clearly a desire to sexually engage with, at the core of it, a HUMAN, but I think that many people find the reality of sexual encounters to be confronting and scary and so we desire to redirect those feelings through something that essentially, like, launders it? For lack of a better word? Like "sex is scary, but if the man feels closer to something that i feel comfortable with (IE animals, cartoons, fantasy characters, etc), it feels safer. I don't think it's any coincidence the overlap between queer identity and furry vs, like, queers in fantasy or queers in anime. Sure, the latter are popular, but furry in particular seems to find itself as a home for sexually active queer people and I think that's a symptom of how difficult it is already for so many of us to feel safe exploring sexuality and identity and the idea of wearing an "animal mask" whether on the face or over the genitalia essentially makes it more comfortable.

I could write a lot more about like, Huizinga and what he says about the spirit of play and whatnot but ultimately I think "wearing the animal mask" is something man has done since the dawn of time and furry is just like, a super concentrated version of it.
1 week, 2 days ago
Well... First - sorry for what you have already met. Based on your addition to the journal - it frustrated you a lot.
Second - about your main question. I think it is mostly about how historically close were the different species to humans. It's not only coexistence it is also a long history of, for example medieval heraldry, where different animals, fantasy and real, were representing different values and ideas that we, humans, were romanticizing throughout the history. Animals and the world surrounding us played a major part in our life and inspired multiple artists and authors. In short - many animals became symbols. And throughout history these symbols evolved and were represented in our culture.
As for the dogs... Well they were our partners for a lot of time. Along with horses, cats, cattle, birds, etc. We know a lot of their behaviour, there is a big chunk of knowledge on how to behave with them and dogs themselves evolved in human surroundings enough for us to notice them as an organic part of our life.
When it comes to yiff - I am not sure. I think i's mostly media that formed our perception of them. Fairy tales, cartoons, etc. gave us images of sentient dogs. How would they behave and think. Ant it just needed a spark of human curiosity and a bit of pervertion to ask "How would they act when horny?". And there we have it.
1 week, 2 days ago
I didn't think of that, the fact that we dedicate a portion of our brains to understanding behavioral differences in a wide range of species is crazy.

and regarding my flak shield, yeeea, it's pretty bad here, I brought up a thought experiment based on past historical figures a year ago and I got accused of being neo-Nazi <:I The stupidity and spite on these platforms are.. something else.  
1 week, 2 days ago
When you open your soul to the internet - expect the internet to shit in it... Well for someone it's a kink tho :3
1 week, 1 day ago
me being fed the internets shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAs7epg37x0
1 week, 2 days ago
Combination of doggos coevolution with us, their silly antics and decades worth of furry cartoons and the unstable "Chemical X" that is puberty.🤣
1 week, 2 days ago
I feel like it's related to having dogs as the most used pet across History? ... Something like that. It didn't worked on me, when I was a kids, "normal pets" where bovines due to the area where I was living.

I always got attraction for the massive horned creatures, got a switch click when I went through mythologies in school. Hated the fate of the Minotaur, so myeah... I guess it's very related to what you are used to see as pet, get as pet, something like that?

Also, most of the furries don't "feel" a fursona, they create it based on the moment. That's a personal observation though... Usually, people having unpopular species tend to look of the creature they feel inside their fantasy part of mind.

That being said, I wanted to say that I belive, and that I'm SURE of it, that there is a difference between what we enjoy as fiction, and what we enjoy as reality.

:/ I'm so a soft and gentle dude IRL, not even attracted to anything particular... Fiction side though, boy oh boy...

Anyway, there, have my input at your question, stay safe.
1 week, 2 days ago
I think partly has to do with media. While human cartoons tends to be quite tame and looked at negatively in terms of sexual/nude content, characters depicted as (anthro) animals kinda goes wild. I remember even back with Rocko's Modern Life, there was an episode where there was a nudist party going on in Rocko's backyard and everyone, including Rocko, went nude (and you get to see what they look like nude. Sure, they don't have their bits but them being nude when that's not the norm is enough). That left an imprint in my mind. (And I bet with the nudist colony scene in Zootopia is an awakening with the newer members)

As for why one gravitates towards a specie, idk. Maybe that is just preference?
1 week, 2 days ago
We tend to forget that we're part of the animal world too, just because we invented language and defined it as something animals can't do. We can make a word, "human", and then make another word, "animal", and then put a third word in between, like "human is animal" or "human not animal". And then that becomes reality to us. Not whatever's actually happening, but whatever our words say is happening. And we completely forget that we're the ones who made words to say those things in the first place. Reality is messy and doesn't owe us an explanation, and given that we basically grew OUT OF a multi-billion-year-old cesspool, it's not surprising that we haven't "outgrown" that messiness in a mere few thousand years. Assuming it can even be "outgrown" in the first place - this might just be what life looks like in general.
1 week, 2 days ago
Yeah, if anything, the idea that we must put up barriers with animals actually stems from a negative stigma where people were convinced animals are "dirty", but those interpretations came generally from people who had very destructive and prejudiced tendencies. We in modern society are taught and convinced that we need to hold on to these prejudices because it allows people who try to spread that stuff to justify thier own prejudices and thus have targets to attack (e.g. hunters want to kill without remorse, so they convince people that animals they shoot to kill purely for pleasure are just inferior or dangers. An actual example is when wolves were taken off the endangered list, many groups started hunts to slaughter and kill all wolves they could find because they saw the removal as a call to arms to just add them to the target list).

It's important to remember a lot of negativity and prejudice that's taken for granted justifies violence and actual harm to others, but we never seem to hold prejudice and violence to the same extreme negative standard that we do affection. So I always see people very quick to say "I'm NOT into zoophilia! I'm not aroused by this!" but I never see people say "I'm NOT interested in hurting people, I'm NOT violent and abhor it. I do NOT want to hurt or judge others." and that's something that reflects the cynical side of human nature. Why choose to justify our own anger about something and react with violence because someone else is enjoying what they like and not hurting anyone? We need to flip that perspective on it's head and start treating violence and prejudice as the things that should be abolished.

If we can do that, THEN and ONLY THEN can we answer the question "Why do we find animals attractive?" cause it's not a matter of why we do, and more a matter of "Why do we get so violent and angry when others find animals attractive?" Why can't we just accept the fact that some people are fine with making love? Why is sexual attraction so "illegal" it has to ilicit a violent social response, but killing and murdering the animal is met with praise or ignorance from the same people?

"Why can't we just let others be happy so long as they aren't hurting each other?" and why do we only get happy when they are?"
1 week, 2 days ago
It is in fact that Human Beings are very sexual creatures. And we identify when something is human or similar through a face in it. Put a face in a "box" for example and see how your brain completely changes its behavior looking at it.

Now if you are talking about Furries, there are much more in them than a human face there, there is also a human body and culturally their bodies follow the human anatomy, often in a soft nudity the conclusion is obvious.

If we are talking about Feral Furries, you still have the anthropomorphic face factor in them, which is enough for some people.

And when it comes to real animals, or represented in art, this is where the motives are no longer related to anthropomorphic Characteristics.

Over the years, human beings have been perfecting their vision for animals, attributing human characteristics to them to remove the strangeness that is present in the image of an animal.

It's very strange even how a minority of human beings want to fuck another human being but are not able to socialize with another person and resort to admire animals.
1 week, 2 days ago
to answer this we need to look at why humans find the same or different genders "attractive" and the answer is Exotic
people find the new and unique as Exotic and exotic things are coveted using myself as a example when i became a teen i found girls attractive cause they were not boys i had hanged out with but when i got involved with the internet i saw Boys and girls in Cartoon/Anime and they became Exotic to me with each new "Exotic" being shown my attraction to such grew but the underline key for this attraction is different for everyone for me its being Fit ((not hulk muscular but like you live a healthy life)) for others it might be anything from a Dog's short hair and Color to a horses long dong the end result though will be Different Sex = Exotic Attraction
1 week, 2 days ago
like for me the key thing is and what for some people seem to forget, art, fiction, anthromorphication, like as long as you don't turn fantasy into IRL then I say do what you like and love, the moment something borders into IRL its time to take a step back. I love dog anatomy and knots are a big kink of mine but I will keep it to art and animations and leave it at that.

be as kinky and freaky as you want with your craft because it's spicy and no one gets hurt... well maybe just the comments  
1 week, 2 days ago
We as hmans have always been fascinated by animals and animal qualities, look at anything ancient Egyptian, Greek/Roman, Aztec/Mayan, Viking, etc and etc, we have always had animals as an integral part of our society, mythos and deity worship. That is a very generalized answer but its true, we have always marveled at their strengths and abilities we wished we would possess. Even in our 21st century we still put animals on a pedestal and see them as what they are, amazing creatures of untold abilities with thoughts and emotions we wish we could understand. We have a semi-decent grasp on human psychology but animals are still untouched, we have the most bare bones basic idea of them, like don't smile at a gorilla that angers them, or don't mess with crows they can and do hold grudges, but beyond that we have no idea what's going on in their minds.

As for the physical attributes? We have always enjoyed their furs, scales, wings, feathers, tusks, claws and tails, be it through the disgusting act of trophy hunting, to those who emulated it via tribal acts to show the appreciation and worship of said animal. Aesthetically speaking animal looks appeal to our lizard brain, cats appeal to our baby love center of the brain with their big eyes, small bodies, small ears and soft baby cry voices, puppies for the same thing for us but as they grow they become essentially in our lizard brains small dumb humans in fur coats.

We project a lot of human traits and emotions on to animals, some warranted some not, and have always tried seeing them on a level closer to ours. That projection leads to anthropomorphizing the creature and leads to what is basically furries.

As for the explicit end? Not sure, might come from our caveman/neanderthal days back when we ourselves weren't too far removed from the beast and had our own fur coats and paw like hands.

I hope this nonsensical rambling makes sense, sorry if it doesnt.
1 week, 1 day ago
Letttttttttttttttts not talk about the Greeks.. and the Spartans.
Oddly, you are one of the only few who have described animal admiration before your own existence, A lot of people aren't looking at the question non-subjectively.

The first ever Play Boy bunny suit goes back to 1953, and I don't think Grandad got a boner just because Disney's Maid Marien corrupted his soul.

also, the cave paintings in Chauvet have some fat ass animals' dongs painted on them, that's not to say the people drawing huge cocks on animals 32 thousand years ago might have been "attracted" to the animals, but at least some level of "DAIM!" to feel the need to paint that lol

That brings me to my last point, I read this paper about this guy who did a eye-tracking study in 2005 and how we look at animals in general, subconsciously we look at the head, body then genitalia men and women alike. When I first read the study I was like "BULLSHIT" and it bugged me so much, then I caught myself doing it in the real world and I felt so betrayed by my brain that I was such a basic bitch caveman lmao

It's a bit like the time when I worked in retail, Some ladies would come in with these crazy pushup bras and my brain would be like.. don't look... brain. stop it!!..
I'd come back to Xan and be all melodramatic saying I glanced at a lady's boobs today, what's wrong with me!? am I perverted!?
And she's like.. "so what? women glance at boobs too :I "
Some googling later realized I was overreacting and that once again.. My brain is a basic bitch x'D

1 week, 1 day ago
Touché on the Greeks/Spartans, I only meant their love of combat animals and companion animals, like that one horse one of the emperors tries making a senator lol.

I figured you wanted a more rounded and genuine response and less of a "I like knotty cocks because its HAWT XD uWu", and I have been studying "furry-ism" through our collective history, and it goes back way further than some fan club in the 70's-80's, pretty much most of human history has had animals at the forefront for one reason or another, they are so ingrained in us its fascinating that people don't realize how common and often animals are used as a stand in for a person.

As for the whole playboy bunny thing, I think its less rabbit-wiafu material and more of a nice one piece with leggings with added mascot appeal to it, its one thing yo have scantily clad women searcing drinks in a mansion, its another (and a whole lot classier) if they have a theme, and animals are often the theme, and a bunny/rabbit being the main theme and mascot for a major pornographic industry makes sense on a basic level of "rabbits breed quick" so there is a lot of double meaning to it.

Mankind has always been fascinated by genitals and dirty jokes, you can find ancient graffiti depicting it as well lol, I too would paint massive bovine, equine, and elephant dongs if I saw one and no one belived me that this thing's cock was as big as my arm or leg. Gotta record everything haha

I noticed I do this too, it didn't bother me as I am not looking because "omg I want sum o that" but because I am thoroughly checking out the animal in qestion, I don't find I focus solely on the genitals and often when I am done looking I go for the eyes/head/paws, because I like those parts of the animal the most, also to keep an eye on them >_> you never know... and Xan is right we do check each other out, its in our nature, and I'm worse about it as I tend to stare into space and then realize there is a person there so it just looked like I was just toddler staring someone down... but uh yeah we look at boobs and butts and its not even sexual we just look, just like how I check out a man's crotch as well lol
1 week ago
Nope sorry, you have completely lost the reasoning part of my male brain. So how long was the elephant dong?
no no, hear me out, Xan will stand at the front and pretend to be the head of the elephant, I'll be at the rear, and you stand between us and keep one of your arms down and swing side to side to represent the heft when we all walk at the same time.
Also, are you trying to tell me if I was to be holding an ice cream at the zoo, and this bull elephant in question was momentarily surprised by something behind it, It could smack that ice cream clean out of my hand!!???

 "I like knotty cocks because its HAWT XD uWu"
I mean, don't discredit yourself, we are all here for the same reason so even if you went full Beavis and Butthead on me about knots I would not be offended, We are all here for similar reasons x'D

Intellectually I can't add any more value to what you have already said, Maybe it is that simple, and our brains are just; How much can those boobs feed my babies, Is this lady's boobs a threat to me/can she wet nurse in the tribe, and last of all, Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis Penis  


1 week ago
I saw an elephant dong at the zoo once, I swear to god it was as tall as me, but I'm 5ft even that doesn't sound feasible, but I'm wondering if it actually is true but I don't wanna google "how big a elephant dick really?" I mean I can but I feel like I can't unlearn that cursed knowledge and its one of those mysteries of life I'd be happy still wondering, but if we did the pantomime of an elephant it would have to be two 6'9" guys with a short shit like me between them swinging my thunder thigh between em to represent girth and length

Oh for sure I do enjoy them, its why I draw a lot of feral x anthro, and my beaver being knotted, its a kink, but the answer I wanted to give should be more than that lmao

I often wonder "what kinda bra this chick use for her mega milkers? Can I find it for cheap? Is everyone else's nipples also perpetually hard or is it just me?" "Is he cut or uncut? Which way does it bend? How fat are those nuts?" I am more interested in the nads more often than not, balls are amazing and I love em and wish I had warmer hands so I could play with my husband's more often 😭
1 week ago
*smug face*
6 days, 18 hrs ago
1 week, 2 days ago
Dogs are cute, horses are magnificent, and I'm told a number of people find cats nice.
I think rabbits are pretty creatures, as are mice, but I appreciate not everyone shares this view.

We see something in them that we find attractive, but buggered if I know how to put it into words.
1 week, 2 days ago
I think that people who spend time around animals but somehow don't recognise an emotional depth are weird; also sexual attraction to an animal is way simpler than genital pattern recognition in inatimate objects. I hear people fuck couches.
1 week, 2 days ago
We find dogs pleasant because the symbiosis of wolfs and humans on a period of time of a fuck ton of years (evolution).
I like a lot of things and as you requested I won't elaborate, but I want to say that all fantasies are valid. 100% of the contents on this site are fantasies, and if they keep being fantasies, kink shaming people for liking X or Y is stupid (and ironic).
1 week, 1 day ago
I think things that we see to have "human like behaviour" can innately become attractive. People love and are attached to pets and animals, i dont think its a far step to see why it would be taken a step further and become a fetish
1 week, 1 day ago
"Why do you think people inside and outside of the furry fandom find animals attractive, Particularly canine?"

Outside of the fandom, people enjoy the company of dogs because dogs have quite a bit of utility (sled dogs and shepherds, for example). Some people just want companionship (pets). They are fluffy, cute creatures.

Within the fandom, well...dog anthros are still cute and can also play into the BDSM thing with the collars, leashes, and harnesses...among other things.

"Do you think it's because of the unique coevolution we have had with some animals?"


"Or just the propagation and influence of an established community?"

Also possibly.

"Or Is it just purely we are all degenerate furries that have magnetized to a perverted outlet?"

I will speak for myself; I am definitely a degenerate that enjoys the company of all sorts of forms of lovable life. The world is full of hate and I'd prefer to be a lover than a hater.

Please note that these are opinions of this particular degenerate furry and I embrace the weirdness, for normalcy is overrated and boring and being weird should be considered the new normal. Paradox? Possibly.
1 week, 1 day ago
I read this entire journal & agree with most of it

I know there are people both online & offline that read stuff then twist in their mind what they read & take offense at something that wasn't even there to begin with & then there are others that take a small constructive criticism & make it into something that would start a (minor or major) war with some groups

1 week, 1 day ago
My thoughts (not a working theory or something, just a quick think-through) on the topic:

Animization and humanization plays a huge role in the human history - and we still use it today as symbols and allegories - someone is sly as a fox, strong as an ox/bull, untrustworthy like a weasel (or lawyer ;) Some even say there is no difference!), has horse's health, etc.

Heck, as someone pointed out (I think Terry Pratchett also made amention of it in one of his books) we fought cave bears for so long, striving to fend of those dangerous creatures, especially mothers with cubs, and now we let our children play with stuffed plush teddys.

This by itself would not be enought to warrant such attraction, but since the children books started to push the analogies even further with characters being often anthropomorphic animals (three little pigs began as a told story, but being able to see them illustrated as a cute lil' critters, instead of big swine that could probably give the wolf a good run for his money - remember that pig rather quickly is bigger and heavier than a typical wolf, more intelligent than a wolf, and on one-on-one fight would probably win, it is not an accident that wolves hunt such prey (well, they usually hunt deers which are less dangerous to fight than swine) in packs - changes the context quite a bit).

And when animated movies and cartoons entered the picture (pun intended) it was even easier to identify with such characters. The chracters that were often drawn to look pleasant to the eye (well, at least for positive characters).

Soon the visual aspect started to became even more visible - if a vixen is synonym of someone seductive, then an anthropomorphic version should as well. If a dog breed is portrayed as being slender - that would also match the stereotypical image of a beautiful girl. And so on, and so on...

But why canine (and vulpine) characters? I think it has a lot to do with how many dog breeds there are. Literally everyone (who's not an avid dog hater) can find a breed they like, and mongrels can be cute and lovable too. And pretty much everyone has seen a dog in their life. Plus, "a dog is man's best friend", so there's aspecial connection there as well.

A lot of people prefer feline characrters, which can be strong, but majestic (lions, tigers, panthers and other large cats), or cute, fluffy and graceful (more "domestic cat"-like), with a bit of that exotic note that hits so well...

And with how many people there are, someone was bound to add a human dick to an anthro dog character. Or a pussy to a female one. Or dog penis, for that matter, after all it kinda matches the species, right? And from dog penis to dog pussy is not a huge jump to make...

(btw still a lot of people have nothing against drawing anthros with human genitalia, but react to people who draw such animal characters with animal genitalia as an evil zoophiles for whom being drawn and quartered and then burned at a stake is too light punishment - and they don't see how ridiculous the situation is)
1 week, 1 day ago
1 week, 1 day ago
okay.. this gave me a good laugh.. 10 points to Gryffindor.
Even if this message was meant to be malicious, it's still funny as hell.
1 week, 1 day ago
You always hear about that zoophilia, never anything on the fire-departmentphilia.
1 week, 1 day ago
I have recovered many wolves in my life. (30+).  They are beautiful in their own unique ways. I have also had two dogs (but not until later in life after I recovered from the trauma of watching my mother kill one when I was young.)  I find the personality of each dog to be unique, thereby adding to their beauty.

Does the word attractive fit what I consider beauty?  Yes.  In the fact that I find an Australian Shepherd more attractive than a bulldog.  But that does not mean I am attracted to them in any other way than what they are...super close friends and family.  I hope that helps some.
1 week, 1 day ago
Cultural and based on what you grew up with/saw as your 'family'.

Personally I find cats more attractive and hate dogs, but that's because I grew up with and raised cats my whole life. I'd never cross that boundary even mentally with any cat large or small. But put on an anthro that can think and feel like a human? Yeah that's really attractive to me! I'd date a puma anthro in a heartbeat if that's the world we lived in.
1 week, 1 day ago
I'd like to add since it wasn't clear, I'm not a zoophile. I don't look at lions and tigers and think 'mmm what a sexy man I'd love to get into his enclosure. ;)'

It's just the subconscious relation like you said. You see their faces and think 'family', 'love', on a human but not romantic level (it just doesn't work like that... they're not sapient).

That relation built from when I was a child makes seeing any cat hurt just as painful to me as seeing a person hurt, too.

So making a cat anthro creates a person that's even more fun to relate with to me.
1 week, 1 day ago
answer too long, so here's a journal lol https://inkbunny.net/j/548896-FauxPika-responding-to-an...
1 week, 1 day ago
fun to read, A lot of energy for sure.
A lot of things I would love to chime in with and discuss.
However, the hordes are watching and waiting with bated breath.
So I will say this;

There we go, that should soothe them.  
1 week, 1 day ago
Mah bro, please do hit up my PMs. I'd love to chat.

oh um yes of course brother. HAIL HUMAN DICK! * roman solutes *
1 week, 1 day ago
Yep seems like a pretty "dangerous sentence"
1 week, 1 day ago
Have not read it whole yet, but this may hold answers if you are really interested in a scientific approach: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376353096_Furs...
1 week, 1 day ago
Human dicks are weird. Never been a fan. On a purely aesthetic level, canines, horses, and the hundreds of variations of dragon dong are infinitely more interesting, which I find attractive.
1 week, 1 day ago
our dicks have a helmet to help scoop another man's cum out.


1 week, 1 day ago
cuckoldmaxxing by watching someone literally fuck your cum out of your partner
1 week, 1 day ago
That makes it worse... XP
1 week, 1 day ago
More like "Another man's best friend's cum", am I right? :3c
1 week, 1 day ago
Personally I think it’s related slightly to our “attraction” (in the purest way of saying it) to different animals. Some like fluffy mammals, others like majestic birds, or others like smooth reptiles.
1 week, 1 day ago
How about something much more simple.

Imagination and Fantasy.    As far as I know or would believe most animals don't, though it does seem that many do dream.  The simplistic thing is that we are all capable of thinking and dreaming up wild things and when a child crawls on the floor and meows or barks many parents and adults smile.  Somehow it's not acceptable later in life(whether you claim to be a furry or not), nor are so many other things, especially once our sexuality kicks in.  

I don't say anything one way or another excepting that Fantasy and Reality are two separate things and there are far to many who don't understand that on both ends and even more out there who won't accept any discussion on it.  I.E.  actually living out Fantasy  OR  admitting you have a Fantasy that you would never act on.  

It's funny though, there are so many things blanketed as being wrong, and many say even thinking it is wrong.  However by that train of thought what should we be doing with all the people who read Steven King, Dean Koontz or watch Game of Thrones.  Violence, Murder, Rape, Incest all laid out and acceptable because its fiction.   *sigh*  The response I always seem to recieve is "Well that's different."     No not really.  It either is or isn't Fantasy.    
1 week, 1 day ago
Humanity has always had a fascination about animals. Most religions even hold animals to a great significance.
Additionally, humans are highly sexual beings, its one of our core desires/needs.
Also, other fandoms exist and even they will start to sexualize things in their particular interest if given enough time and people.

Anything and everything can become a perverted outlet
Basically, I believe that furries are a group of people that mostly found the animals interesting, but the sexual nature popped out as a somewhat inevitable byproduct of this interest.
1 week, 1 day ago
Dogs and Humans have been kinda hacking each other's emotional perception for a very very long time, I imagine. There's a few observations about dogs (and cats too,) communicating far far differently to each other then with humans.
1 week, 1 day ago
Particularly canine?
I don't think I quite agree.

Y'see, I don't think sexy dog costume is as popular as sexy kitty costume for Halloween.
Anime and scifi doesn't play on the dog girls or dog boys anywhere near as much as catbois and catgirls.
Black Cat, Catwoman. Two somewhat antiheroines themed on cats, that became off and on love interests for the two most popular super heroes.
Bastet, Egyptian goddess of cats, but also associated with fertility.
Even in some of the language people use to describe women, catty, catfight, cougar, sex kitten...

So it seems felines have a sexual and feminine association, whether rightly so or not.
But that's also tied to gracefulness and mysteriousness.
Perhaps there's a degree of admiration and envy of what we wish we could emulate.
We've always looked toward things that were better than us, and wanted to be more.

Though surely it also has to do with our closeness to such animals.
I would imagine canines have similar masculine associations, but especially wolves.
1 week, 1 day ago
Yeah the peeps that rally against digitrade and animal peen on the anthros always strike me as pearl clutching cope as if they are unable to confront how fucking weird it is to find the fur and animal characteristic attractive in the first place
1 week ago
brave question to ask! but i think its an interesting one :)
seems to me there are 3 main explanations:

1. the "cute" and "hot" wires in the brain getting crossed (which also explains cub to an extent), or some other aesthetic quality
2. the otherness of animals means we might not have the same hangups / anxieties that we do around human sexuality (including romantic competition and complicated emotional needs)
3. animals embody many of the attributes we find attractive in humans, in more dilute forms: theyre soft & cuddly, theyre violent & aggressive & ferocious, theyre remarkably clever, theyre beautiful and majestic, theyre gross dumb little goobers, theyre everything we want them to be (the wonder of fantasy!)

theres merit to that coevolution idea, but i think simple exposure to the thing, and its iconography, is likely—we grow up seeing the funny cartoon animals, and some real or projected quality they possess fits into the deranged little niche in the brain of the developing degerate :^ )
1 week ago
idk man, im just a fox.
anyway, i just find the aesthetic attractive in anthro characters myself, because it adds allure/cuteness to them. you can't deny animals are aesthetically pleasing to look at, so adding their features like fur, ears, tails, paws, it all adds to their the attractiveness of the characters. in fact, i find few men actually attractive, but furry men? PEAK attractiveness, give me 20. anime men? nah, not unless they really cutesy.
1 week ago
I can’t say I would ever look at a real dog and say “that’s hot”. I think there’s just been such a prominent existence of anthropomorphized animals in media for going on a century now that we have come to normalize someone drawing a dog with features that are inherently sexy-coded.
1 week ago
various dick shapes make me horny, idk I don't see a point in overcomplicating sex
also it's chatGPT :)
1 week ago
I guess its cause... we are fucking weird...
even with all the mainstream stuff on our favor at times now a days
this is still a very fucking Weird Fandom.
6 days, 22 hrs ago
My opinion on this is because animals don't have all this moral straitjacket to their sexuality that humans have (and no offense but the red part of your journal is a very good demonstration of this).

So many of us who find themselves very restricted I'm their sexuality freedom by all this moral shit can try to imagine a kind of an utopian universe where we could be animal without all this shity morality straitjacket.

I wrote a paragraph about animal genitalias but I think I will regret to post it, so I'll keep for myself. I can't stand what this fandom is became now.
5 days, 14 hrs ago
Well , sadly there are those whom aren't at the top of there mental game, and are "extremists", but for most, they accept them into there family, as furred children, furs have the imagination, the ideas, and the want to live something "exotic" in my opinion,
5 days, 3 hrs ago
Segway? I think you meant segue. Common mistake.
12 hrs, 32 mins ago
Dogs tend to be very humanized, people treat them as if they aren't animals. I can only think of all the Disney movies and cartoons featuring cute animated dogs that speak and express human emotions. Its also super common to see dogs and canines in media or just outside. I have dots to connect here I swear I just don't know how
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