I'm about to type a dangerous sentence,
Here goes,
I need your opinion on something...
Why do you think people inside and outside of the furry fandom find animals attractive, Particularly canine?
Do you think it's because of the unique coevolution we have had with some animals?
Or just the propagation and influence of an established community?
Or Is it just purely we are all degenerate furries that have magnetized to a perverted outlet?
I'm sure there are some smart people out there who can find psychological studies with some level of citation with some level of evidence. I could ask ChatGTP a dynamic question like this but I think it's a very human question to begin with and I can't trust AI not to spurt out biased data.
Let me say this now, My trigger finger is ready on the delete comment button Because a large amount of you want to twist this journal into something else.
NO, I don't own a dog.
NO, I do not participate in bestiality.
NO, there is a big difference between fucking IRL kids and drawing dog dicks for a living. (yes that's vague, But people will attempt to segway minor attraction into this journal)
NO, I'm not aligning myself with zoophiles.
PLEASE, don't PM me regarding the topic with a creepy story.
NO, I don't need to know if you're a zoophile, That is not the point of this journal.
I will be deleting this journal in the near future because IB is an incredibly toxic place these days.
Also if you are a creeper artist who doesn't watch me but has some weird fucking beef with me, I'll be instantly blocking, deleting, and reporting you, I'm sure these particular artists will be sending hordes of their gooner fan-base minions at me regardless :)
To summarise, it just feels so crazy to me how many people out there draw cartoon animal genitalia for a living, and more so that the consumer base has practically made an industry.
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1 week, 2 days ago
24 Feb 2025 14:47 CET