I saw someone mention that AI images are being let onto the popular page here on Inkbunny. Now, I have the AI tag blocked, so I was not aware of this fact but it truly is a shame and a disgrace to the site. The popular page is meant to promote artists who are often just getting a start, and trying to grow their audience on the site, or to show new users some art that they might like. So unless I misunderstand, it's meant to promote ARTISTS. Not the work-stealing algorithms that have been used to dupe investors out of billions and to produce slop for con men to pass off as art. In fact, AI generated images should not even be allowed on the site, period. Or any image site that is meant to house work from artists.
Let me explain exactly why AI images are not art, and why the people and machines producing it are NOT artists. I think we can all agree plugging in prompts is not the same as drawing a picture, not even close. So who is the artist? The AI? To follow up on this idea, let's quickly define what art even is. Art is actually fairly hard to strictly agree on a definition of, but most people can agree art is an expression of emotion, and usually the goal is to invoke said emotion (and sometimes even unexpected ones) in the viewer. Ad yes, this applies even for porn, in that you are trying to evoke lustful and sometimes even romantic feelings for/between the characters in both yourself and your audience. So can a computer feel emotion? Of course not. From the very premise, AI in its current state is completely incapable of producing art. Period. How about the human plugging in prompts? Can that be considered an expressive act? Perhaps it could be argued their emotion is what makes it art? However they are not the one producing the image. A computer algorithm is generating what it thinks matches up with the words being given to it. It is not even making something from scratch, but simply using references that are typically stolen from real artists and "Frankensteining" it together into a picture. An AI image is no more art than Frankenstein's Monster is a human. Just because you have some human parts stolen from their rightful owners does not make the result a human, just a monster.
Art sites hosting AI generated images goes against their role in the artist community. AI image software is the biggest threat to new artists, who will not be able to find an audience through the sea of mangled-handed images being pumped out by the dozens every minute. Non-artists will see AI as an easier way to get low-grade art than paying new artists. They will not be able to get a foothold that pre-AI artists had an easier time getting, and will be discouraged. The entire economy of commissions is eventually going to be ruined by this, possibly driving off even established artists as their stolen works are fed into machines that ruin their careers. I can speak only for myself on this, but every time I see AI images being praised and getting more attention than real art, it makes me sick and pushes me one step toward wanting to just leave said sites, even when I literally need to draw to live at the moment. I can't imagine how discouraging it must be to aspiring artists who feel their art is not up to par with literal slop because that's how people are hyping it up, and to see it be promoted over their art on sites like IB.
Long story short, art (and yes, porn) sites need to STOP supporting, hosting, and promoting AI generated slop. The end game of these generative programs is literally to replace the artists you claim to be a home for. People in general also need to stop supporting AI content and be more aware that is not art, and should not be called art. If you at all support real artists, tell sites you use not to host AI images.
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2 weeks, 4 days ago
03 Feb 2025 20:46 CET